Composition for Senior High School Entrance Examination
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2022-10-27 03:28:21
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My philosophy of perfection My credo of life is one: either do not do something, do it, do it best. I demand "perfection", although it is not easy to achieve.

My life credo 2: "Choose what I love, love what I choose". When choosing, I will ask my heart. I want to hear its most authentic answer, and then choose carefully. Once selected, I will never say regret again. I will cherish every difficult choice I make, and cherish everything I choose. I want to be a "perfect" girl. The definition of perfection requires firmness and determination!

My life credo 3: cry until you are exhausted, laugh thoroughly if you want to cry, which white is tragic. I want effect smile. If you are beautiful, you can attract the eyes of people around you. If not, then try to become very talented. Sometimes the internal beauty is more attractive. If not, then let yourself have the most beautiful and sweet smile in the world, the perfect smile, charming, lovely, diverse... "Understanding is beautiful because of loveliness, not because of beauty", I want to pursue that kind of unique loveliness, smile ripples, and sweep the country! Let me firm, let me confident, let me brave perfect smile.

My life credo 4: serious! Be a serious but not a real girl. Be serious and careful. Only with a serious attitude can you lead to success. Being serious about things and being sincere to people is my requirement for myself. Even small and insignificant things should be serious and never careless, because being careful determines success or failure, and being serious is the basic attitude for survival. If I want to be perfect, I must be serious, some people say. A serious girl is the cutest, hehe, maybe!