Model Essays on Junior Three Composition with Youth as the Topic
Girls should be strong
2022-11-01 02:21:50
Junior three
topic of conversation

Title: Our name is Youth

Youth may not be so beautiful, but it is so beautiful. Looking at the book "Fish and Its Seven" in the corner silently, it said that the fish had only seven seconds of memory, but it was so persistent - just seven seconds, it wanted to remember the world. He was so unyielding - he worked hard for every second and tried to remember every second, which was as short but wonderful as our youth. Youth is so beautiful and wayward. Whose youth is not rebellious and unhappy, even if it is wrong, will pay a price for it. We are still wayward. Even if we fall down, we will ask: "What is that? Is it pain?" Youth will tell you: "This is not pain, we are just moving forward." Youth is so wayward.

Youth is so dreamy. There is sunshine and light clouds. I hope I can try my best to get into the ideal school. I also want a prince on a white horse to take me away. I will also think about the past and the future, and then work hard in the sunshine and wind and rain. Because of dreams, we have the power to make unremitting progress. No matter what, we are still clinging to our dreams. Youth is so dreamy.

Youth is so clear, as the little poem "That year, we were thirteen years old" wrote: "This age is like water, pure and fascinating, without any hypocrisy..." We don't know what heartbreak is when we are young. Youth is so clear.

Youth is so confident that we don't know what inferiority is. We sing loudly on the path, catch fish and shrimp in the stream, and run hard on the grassland. At this age, we don't like to suppress our feelings. When we are sad, we will cry bitterly. When we are happy, we will laugh loudly. We are not publicity, because youth is so confident.

Youth is so independent, forget the dream, we quietly look for. We strive to pursue our dreams. The dream breaks its wings, and we suffer in silence. People say: "Why does my heart ache?" Youth says: "Because I have been looking at my own wound." Yes, that's it. Therefore, youth has no pain. Youth knows that dreams should be carried and tears should be tasted. Youth is so independent.

There was a period of time called youth

Who has never run in the heavy rain, shouted on the top of the mountain, played and swam in the river, tried to chase dreams in school, cried secretly in the corner, "studied hard" in the bed, would rather not eat for three days for a beloved book, and cried for a long time for a story that even he could not believe was true. Anyway - yes, this is the period of youth.

Youth is cool, not sad -- Xiao Zeng

Once I believed in fairy tales so much that Cinderella would surely meet the prince who belonged to it. Because of the beauty of the story, I have been immersed in it all the time. Later, I learned the so-called love. Maybe love is just a dream by the stream. Although the grass is fragrant and the sun is fragrant, when I wake up, there is only the burning sunset. Just like that, my little once, let the wind blow my mind, once flowed between my fingers.

Youth, as the Ant sings, "Some of the beauty of youth lies in not making public/silently widening the narrow road/singing their own melodies/there will always be obstacles/the mountain will not turn around and turn around/the dream is to carry their own tears to taste/living is a calm resistance in the battlefield/don't surrender easily. Winter may be longer than you think.../We are born by nature. Don't complain about the vicissitudes of life first./The weak body is tenacious in fighting spirit/can wear the stone through water/like ants/even in adversity The hope/strong person is strong in clinging to dreams. "

Youth needs to look up to something, or dream, or the sky.