Composition materials for junior high school entrance examination in 2020
You and I make a speech. I don't see you in my middle age
2022-11-02 03:35:44
20xx Junior High School Entrance Examination Composition Material I

If human beings abuse chemicals recklessly, then natural resources cannot be regenerated; If human beings cut down trees blindly, it will lead to today's desert; If human beings do not protect living things, the ecological balance will be destroyed. If humans destroy natural resources at will, it will cause a series of ecological disasters... What a sad thing?!

If people do not protect the environment: a large number of sewage from the factory is discharged into the earth's rivers and lakes, the earth mother is "anemic"; Human beings tirelessly cut down trees, which will not only cause water and soil loss, but also cause serious sandstorms around the capital, Beijing and other places, leading to deserts; The mineral has been exploited without restriction, which has damaged the cultivated land and water sources; The ozone layer in the atmosphere also has large holes that cannot be filled due to human reasons; Many biological species are on the verge of extinction, and rare animals such as South China tiger, red crowned crane and Chinese alligator are few in the world; If human beings continue like this, it will pose a serious threat to human survival. If so, mankind will use up all the earth's billions of years of savings, accelerating the destruction of mankind.

If people publicize environmental protection in newspapers, books, networks, and television, everyone will be aware of a series of ecological disasters caused by environmental hazards. The sewage and waste gas in the factory will not be discharged into rivers, lakes and the sky. They will be properly treated and sewage and waste gas stations will be established. The sewage will be reused: watering flowers, washing toilets, wiping the floor... Will the water in rivers and lakes be black and smelly? Do not cut down trees indiscriminately, and hold more tree planting activities. Every teacher and parent teaches students and children to have the awareness of protecting the environment, and trees everywhere become shade; Do not abuse chemicals and use them as little as possible to regenerate damaged resources; Limiting the indiscriminate mining of minerals, so that farmland and water sources will not be damaged; As long as we develop the habit of protecting animals from childhood, biological species will not become extinct. As long as this is done, life will become better.

If human beings protect animals, plant more trees, and properly deal with the sewage and waste gas from factories. Ecological disasters are directly or indirectly created by human beings themselves, so I hereby appeal to everyone: we should act together to protect our homeland - the earth on which human beings depend for survival!

20xx Junior High School Entrance Examination Composition Material II

"Hello, I am, what do you want to do with me?... What? There are too many people in the world, and now there are 15 billion people. There are people living in every place on the earth, even on the sea..." Reporter Zhou XX called me overnight, and I immediately opened the universal telescope and observed every corner of the earth. Besides people, the environment is getting worse and worse due to the increase of human beings, The atmosphere has become foul!! Watching the earth going to die, the only way is to clone the earth. This is not a small project. It will not be completed in a short time.

In the evening, I walked on the road, and the faint light shone on me, "Yes! I can use my super time instant switch machine, so that I can go to the virgin forest to get some genetic factors of flowers, trees and water!" I suddenly realized. But just feel the pocket, ah! I put the converter under my pillow this morning. So I called my robot Lily and asked her to deliver the switch machine. As soon as I put down the phone, Lily came. She used the function of the switch machine.

I took the switch machine, input the destination primitive forest, press the red button, and in a blink of an eye, I was already in the primitive forest. I looked up to see the blue sky, looked down to see the green grass, looked forward to the trees and forests, and the scenery was beautiful. But I won't forget the business. I took out a bottle, took out a syringe, and extracted a little gene from a tree. In this way, I extracted a whole ten bottles of tree genes, and I also extracted some factors from the clear water, otherwise it would be impossible to have clean water on the cloned earth. Half a day later, I returned home with the converter and planned how to clone the earth. I also invited several famous medical doctors and scientists to plan together. "I think that if we clone like this, people will also be cloned, which will double the number of people. People should wear the invisibility cloak I developed, so that we can clone the earth well..." Everyone agreed with me.

So, the earth began to be cloned. People put on their invisibility jackets. I took a spaceship with several scientists and took a picture of the earth with a camera. I took that picture with a physical camera. In this way, a giant planet just like the earth was born. Many people have moved to the new "earth", and the original earth has returned to red flowers, green grass, green mountains and blue waters.

20xx Junior High School Entrance Examination Composition Material III

The Asian Men's Basketball Championship in Wuhan is in full swing, and China will have a showdown with Jordan on Sunday.

In a week's time, every match of the Chinese team will be broadcast live 5 times, and every live broadcast grandma will watch.

Our family's football watching is divided into several factions. I watched the ball calmly. I didn't say if the Chinese team didn't score. If they scored, they would solve the problem - "good ball". My mother doesn't know anything about it. She usually depends on the score. My father seldom watches the ball. Even if he watches it, he also looks at the score as his mother does. Grandpa is more interesting to watch the ball. As long as he says "good ball!", he says: "If the ball scores, he will call good ball. If he does not score, he will not call." Or when he says that the Chinese team is good, he will say: "If he does not score, he will not call." Or when he says that the Chinese team is good, he will say: "If he wins, he will call again. If he does not win, he will not call again. I always do not know what to say.

My grandmother is the most passionate person in our family. Although Grandma's hair is gray, she was also the captain of the school basketball team when she was young. "Good ball! It's so beautiful!"...... When doing homework every night, I can always hear Grandma's passionate voice, so I often sigh that Grandma has become a lovely old child as soon as she sees the ball!

Grandma is not only passionate about watching football, but also brilliant in "post match analysis". Some time ago, China lost to South Korea for the first time in the Women's Basketball Asian Championships. Grandma said two points about the reasons for the failure of the Chinese team. However, the commentator began to analyze and said two points that were the same as Grandma's, so I had to admire her and say: "Milk can go to CCTV to be a basketball commentator."

Grandpa often makes a joke that he always talks about the Chinese team's bishop "Deng Huade" as "Howard" far away from the United States, so I have to take the trouble to correct it every time. Unfortunately, the name "Howard" is as deeply rooted in Grandpa's brain as "Yurun Suguo" and never wavers.

There are two such lovely old fans at home. If the Chinese team doesn't win again, wouldn't it be too unreasonable?