500 words reflection diary for the fifth grade midterm exam
Walk on the clouds
2022-11-02 02:39:17
fifth grade

Last Friday, Mr. Zhang gave us a test of the second unit of mathematics.

Many students are puzzled by blank filling and operation problems. Some people ask here and there, and some people look east and west, but none of them are serious! I think this is because we don't recite the definitions that Teacher Zhang usually asks us to recite, and we don't do our homework carefully in class and listen carefully!

The test papers were handed out, and I saw that most of my classmates did poorly in the exam, even none of them got full marks! All the students in the classroom are asking for answers. I returned to my seat and my test paper was read by Qiduoduo. Alas!

During the exam, I was also puzzled by the fourth question of the blank filled question. I slept on the table and looked at my deskmate's paper, but I was desperate because my deskmate was also puzzled. When I was doing the operation problem, I was very anxious when I used the triangle board to do corner matching! It's almost done. Hurry up! I bent the top of the corner. I shouldn't be wrong about the last question. I was the only one in the class who didn't write the equal sign, and I lost 0.5 point in vain.

There is only one reason why I made a mistake: I am in a hurry. Because I was anxious and forgot the definition; Because I was anxious and drew the wrong corner; Because I am anxious, there is no sign equal to writing! Why hurry? It is because I always want to be faster than others, and I always want not to lose to others. I haven't won the first prize, so my heart becomes more urgent!

I think we have to get up when we fall, because failure is the mother of success, so we can still be the first in the whole grade!

[Chapter 2: Reflection on Final Exam]

The tense midterm exam is over, and the failure and success of the exam is still an unsolved mystery. However, when the final exam is completed

This year's midterm exam questions are very simple, but the teacher said, "The simpler the exam questions are, the more wrong the questions will be." Therefore, we dare not despise this exam. However, in the end, simple examination questions conquered us, making us free to answer questions quickly, and thinking that "such a simple examination question must not be full of mistakes", with this idea, we did not go to check carefully, but quickly visited the scroll, let the wrong question be placed there, even if it is very conspicuous, we can not find it, Not to change them, so we handed in the papers.

Just when we felt that we could relax, the teacher came to the classroom and told us that we had lost a lot of points on questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the test paper, which left me at a loss because I always wrote wrong words, and there was a question that added a part to the character "Gao" to form a new word, which I didn't pay attention to, This exam caused irreparable mistakes!

Alas! The exam has passed, and the mistakes of the exam can not be remedied. We can only pay attention to and correct them in the future. In the future, I will accumulate more similar words and add radicals to form new words. I want to accumulate more wrong questions, analyze the reasons for the wrong questions, and compare the correct answers, so that I can better master a wealth of basic Chinese knowledge, and learn and use flexibly.

Examination questions are changeable. We should not only accumulate, but also use them flexibly, so that we can deal with them freely.