This is what youth should be
For your return
2022-11-02 00:45:11

Youth is like wearing a veil, sometimes mysterious and sometimes dreamy. She is as hot as the sun, as colorful as the rainbow, as sweet as sugar beans, as bitter as tears. She is a synonym for magic - beautiful youth.

When youth is like a flower in bud, we come from the young people who understand; When youth is like an eagle soaring in the sky, we are upright and vigorous; When youth is like a horse galloping on the battlefield, we soar happily in youth. Youth is a time full of hope and longing for knowledge. How many seeds of dreams sow hope in youth, and how many beautiful dreams are pursued in youth. The generation of our youth weaves the future with ideals and builds a blueprint for the future with courage. We try our best to sprinkle the sweat of our youth. Don't waste every inch of our youth. Don't let our youth be like the dew in the morning. The sun disappears as soon as it comes out; Don't be like a stream flowing in the east, never return, but follow the pace of the times to make our youth more exciting.

In order not to waste our youth, we should dare to fight. As the saying goes, "life can be fought several times", we should fight! struggle hard! Only with competition can our youth show that we have different vitality in different times.

When we were children, we heard the story of the sea growing up. Wave after wave, wave after wave, wave after wave, wave after wave hit the rocks on both sides of the bank again and again. The story of Jingwei reclaiming the sea is well known. Jingwei and the sea fight again and again to fill the sea. These years, years and months, never stop stories tell us that we should not be afraid of failure in our youth, Never shrink back. Now some people may complain that even though we are struggling, we are not as good as others. Others have smart minds, vast wealth, and power. But we tell everyone that our youth is full of longing, struggle, smiling face, rebellion and priceless experience.

Please cherish our unique youth and make our youth more beautiful.