2022 "Online" Beijing College Entrance Examination Composition 800 words
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2022-11-02 00:17:12
college entrance examination

At the beginning of the year, the new coronavirus started to make waves, and the spread of the epidemic spread across the country like a raging monster. Doors and windows were locked, and the streets were empty. People throughout the country stayed indoors, cutting off the chain of infection; Excellent medical personnel from all over the country also went to Wuhan to fight against the epidemic. The construction of two hospitals, Huoshen Mountain and Leishen Mountain, reproduced the "Shenzhen speed" of reform and opening up.

This is a special period, and everyone's life is suddenly disrupted. The era of changing the way of life of Chinese people has followed. Online class has become a common thing for students recently. When they are at home, they seem to be at school.

In the first online class, a teacher taught for more than 400 students, which was not only the first time for our students, but also the teacher's first online show. On the morning of the first day, the first two classes were smooth. When I raised my hand to speak, my heart was full of excitement and anxiety, because this time I was facing not only one class, but also the whole class. In the afternoon, there was a problem in class. I didn't know whether it was the network card or something else. I couldn't log in to my account. My head suddenly burst out with sweat. I was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. But finally, I entered the online class through an old desktop computer that I hadn't used for several years. Fortunately, I was safe. In the fourth lesson, bad luck came to me again. This time, I couldn't open it with my desktop computer! I want to cry without tears, but God closes a door for you, and always opens a window for you. After many tests, my tablet computer is back on, and I finally started online classes with tears in my eyes.

In addition to online classes every day, there are a lot of homework that can't be finished after class. Every day, I have to complete the clocking task, which is no less than the life in school. Sometimes I feel like a rabbit in a pressure cooker, and I am overwhelmed by the learning task.

In the face of the increasing pressure, I can't help but feel a sense of surrender. At this time, my mind is always repeating my mother's words, "Come on, Yilin, seize this good opportunity to overtake at the corner, and be a strong and self-discipline person!" Yes, how can I become a renegade? In this way, day after day, from getting up at 6:00 in the morning, eating, clocking in, to writing in the starry night. In this way, two weeks have passed since the busy online learning. You see, after a long time, everything can be well adapted, not to mention a person who wants to light up his own efforts?

When flowers bloom again, people are no longer young. As long as the heart is there, everywhere is the palace of learning; As long as your heart is there, you can smell the fragrance of spring everywhere. Let's work together and encourage each other!