2022 Assumption as the theme of college entrance examination composition
Face the sun
2022-11-02 01:10:37

"Di... Di... Di..." The monitor made a sound, showing Grandma's heartbeat again and again. But the closed eyes never opened. Time in the hospital is like a dead battlefield. But here I learned to take responsibility.

Grandma is a fighter. She insisted on the operation when gallstones were found. I still remember her words before she went to the operating room: "Grandma has gone through a lot of difficulties, and this little thing won't hurt me." I sat in the ward and sighed.

Suddenly one day, while reading The Analects of Confucius, I inadvertently saw that people should have dignity in any situation, and one of his disciples tied his helmet when he died in battle. Looking at Grandma's untidy hair for several days, I thought: I'd better take care of it.

I shook my hand and raised the head of the hospital bed bit by bit, lifting my hair from the back of my head and putting it on the pillow. She said the rhyme Grandma used to brush her sister's hair. "The rabbit went under the fence." I put the braid under the tail of the braid. "It jumped out of the top", wrapped the braid head "It ran around the pillar", wrapped the braid around, "It jumped back into the hole." Put the braid head into the circle. Touching Grandma's hard gray hair, I slowly inserted the gold hairpin she often used. Looking at grandma in the mirror, it seems that she is smiling. Fantasizing that smile, I recalled the kind of smile I had with her. In the second grade, she prepared a surprise party for me and watched me enjoy myself. She looked on and saw me happily with a smile. That kind of heavy and happy kind smile.

Grandma loves me so much. How can I stop taking on responsibilities when she is in danger? I thought about it for a while, and an idea came to me.

I rummaged through the boxes and found Grandma's book in Nankou Farm - Our Youth. I sat by her bed again and again, afraid that she would not hear me reading her aloud