Mature senior high school composition in embarrassment
You are not a lover
2022-10-21 06:23:08

(1) So called embarrassment

In life, sometimes embarrassment comes unexpectedly. The so-called "necessity in contingency". Embarrassment is produced imperceptibly. There is no denying that it has its own dominant reason or unconsciously contributes to it. After all, everyone is the protagonist of life. If you don't take the lead, you should at least perform one person's wonderful performance. The three years of high school have passed in this way. There is nothing unforgettable, but the memory is still fresh. Grow up in learning and mature in embarrassment; Turn freshness into familiarity, and turn familiarity into self.

(2) Pretend to be a handsome guy

The so-called "everyone has the heart to love beauty". They love themselves as well as others, and finally make a "loving you equals loving yourself". Entering a new environment, people are easily confused by new things. In the year when I was a freshman in senior high school, I entered the city from the countryside. Although it is not the first time to come here, it is much better to stay for a long time than to go in a hurry. When I first came here, I really couldn't find the north, and I was embarrassed to ask others. Later, I heard that the school gate was facing north, and with the rising sun, I was able to accurately locate it. At that time, the senior high school department and the junior high school department were combined. As soon as I saw that the junior high school girls lost their direction again, I always wondered why they were so beautiful? I am very shy and dare not look at others. After careful analysis, I realized that it was the result of dressing up. People not only have beautiful faces, but also have more beautiful clothes, which makes them eye-catching. So, look at yourself, a little embarrassed; Think about yourself, a little self abased. What should I do? Let's dress up!

First, cut a cool head; Secondly, change into handsome clothes; Thirdly, open your eyes and put on small myopia glasses; Finally, walk smartly and behave gracefully. After the above self packaging, the results are gratifying. When I walk on campus, I have confidence to look at MM squarely, and some MM dare not look at me squarely. Unfortunately, later, the school hit hard, and I was blacklisted because of my strange hairstyle. Cool hair was betrayed and "executed", and being handsome was forced to go underground. But fortunately, with the rare experience of being handsome, the aesthetic has made great progress. I feel that I have popular elements and have a new understanding of PLMM. As a result, I admire myself a little.

(3) Internet casualties

Self confidence is narcissism. People are afraid of improving their self appreciation ability. When I entered the second year of senior high school, I felt that all the differences around me had become commonplace. The feeling of "flowing in" is the loss of feeling. Just when I was bored and hungry, the network broke into my life - no, I entered the network life. So I stopped narcissism and fell in love with the Internet. At the beginning of the meeting, I was excited to see the computer screen and touch the computer keyboard. When chatting with girls on QQ, they said "You are also good" at the beginning. But later, when people called me "husband", I was indifferent. Of course, this is the last word.

Since I became connected with the Internet, my life has changed greatly. Open your mouth to QQ, and close your mouth to E-Mail. Even walking is a "network step", which is no longer specifically operated. It is self created, and the difficulty coefficient is 0. 02, ordinary people can't learn. I remember that the first time I "married" a little girl on the Internet, I kept chatting and communicating all the time, and Guangchun dreamt several times. I think I don't need this trip in my life. I have a wife. As a result, I only persisted for one month and broke up before the honeymoon was over. Her reason for "breaking up" was that I was too kind to her and she couldn't stand it.

Then I got married several times in a row, and my enthusiasm decreased. So, I cried in my heart: It is enough to have a bosom friend in life, and people are looking for her thousands of times. Where is she? Fortunately, after receiving a letter from an old classmate, I finally found my bosom friend. So it declared the end of the task of "looking for her" on the Internet, no longer interested in chatting with MM, and entered the transition period. Finally, I locked the forum and played literature. Unfortunately, this literature is so awesome that it has played me to death. I am still injured.

(4) Mature in embarrassment

At first literature was strange to me. After the first taste of strange things, there will be a mysterious force to urge people to explore. It's embarrassing when you don't know what many people know. The best way to deal with embarrassment is to eat it and digest it. So many people use words to do knowledge, I can't just eat. So I also learned to write. Writing, submission, rejection; Write again, cast again, and retreat again... Again and again disappointed, again and again embarrassed. The contribution really honed my will, and I publicized everywhere that my persistence was shaped by the contribution, which made me mature and progress in embarrassment.