Henan College Entrance Examination Composition Material Accumulation
I want to shine
2022-11-02 01:55:03
The Harmfulness of Fake Commodities

Nowadays, with the fast development of themarket economy, the wider variety of commodities has been offered to people. However,the proliferation of fake commodities in the market has brought a series ofserious harmfulness to people’s life at the same time.

Nowadays, with the rapid development of market economy, more and more goods are provided to people. However, the emergence of counterfeit goods in the market has also brought a series of serious effects to people.

In the first place, there is no doubt thatthe fake commodities do harm to people’s health, especially the adulteratedfood. We have met many cases about it. For example, someone had drunk alcoholliquor which was mixed with industrial alcohol and died. In addition, producingfake commodities leads to waste of society resources and wastes people’s laborand time. For instance, a farmer had bought a packet of rice seed, but all thathe had got was weeds. Because of the fake seed, all his labor came to nothingat the end of year. Furthermore, in most cases, the price of fake commoditiesis lower than the genuine one but the profit is higher, and it breaks the ruleof the fair competition between companies. If this situation keeps on, thewhole market will be out of balance.

First of all, counterfeit goods will undoubtedly be harmful to people's health, especially adulterated food. We have encountered many such situations. For example, someone died after drinking alcohol mixed with industrial alcohol. In addition, the production of counterfeit goods leads to the waste of social resources, human labor and time. For example, a farmer bought a bag of rice seeds, but what he got was weeds. Because of the fake seeds, all his labors ended up with nothing. Moreover, in most cases, the price of counterfeit goods is higher than that of real goods, but the profit is higher, which breaks the principle of fair competition between enterprises. If this situation continues, the whole market will be out of balance.

In summary, fake commodities have manyterrible influences on individual, market and the whole world. As far as I amconcerned, all of us need to resist fake commodities together in allrespects.

In short, counterfeit goods have a lot of terrible effects on individuals, the market and even the whole world. In my opinion, we all need to jointly resist fake and inferior goods in all aspects.

Is a Test of Spoken English Necessity?

In recent years, spoken English test has become a hot topic amongpeople, especially among students and heated debates are right on their way.

In recent years, oral English test has become a hot topic of concern, especially among students, and triggered a heated debate.

Some people are in favor of the idea ofspoken English est. they point out the fact that spoken English is a basicskill that every student should master. And test is an effective way to measureour ability. In particularly, oral English test is an important and effectiveway for Chinese students to improve.

Some people support the oral English test. They believe that oral English is a basic skill that every student should master. And examination is an effective way to measure our ability. In particular, oral English test is an important and effective way to improve the English level of Chinese students.

However, other people stand on differentground. They consider that spoken English test will increase the burden forstudents, especially for the senior high school students. They firmly figureout that test just is a form but could not make a great contribution forlearners’ levels in English speaking. In addition, students have to waste muchmore time in preparing the test.

However, some people hold different views. They believe that oral English test will increase the burden on students, especially high school students. They firmly pointed out that the examination is just a form, but it does not help to improve learners' English speaking level. Moreover, students have to spend time preparing for the exam.

In my opinion of the view, a test of spokenEnglish is a great motive power to learn oral English well. Furthermore, it’s achance for me to improve my language ability. What’s more, it will improve mycareer potentials and be benefit for my future job hunting.

In my opinion, oral English test is a kind of motivation to learn oral English well. In addition, the oral English test is also an opportunity for me to improve my language ability. Moreover, it will improve my career potential and help me find a job in the future.

In recent years, oral English test has become a hot topic of concern, especially among students, and triggered a heated debate.

Some people are in favor of the idea ofspoken English est. they point out the fact that spoken English is a basicskill that every student should master. And test is an effective way to measureour ability. In particularly, oral English test is an important and effectiveway for Chinese students to improve.

Some people support the oral English test. They believe that oral English is a basic skill that every student should master. And examination is an effective way to measure our ability. In particular, oral English test is an important and effective way to improve the English level of Chinese students.

However, other people stand on differentground. They consider that spoken English test will increase the burden forstudents, especially for the senior high school students. They firmly figureout that test just is a form but could not make a great contribution forlearners’ levels in English speaking. In addition, students have to waste muchmore time in preparing the test.

However, some people hold different views. They believe that oral English test will increase the burden on students, especially high school students. They firmly pointed out that the examination is just a form, but it does not help to improve learners' English speaking level. Moreover, students have to spend time preparing for the exam.

In my opinion of the view, a test of spokenEnglish is a great motive power to learn oral English well. Furthermore, it’s achance for me to improve my language ability. What’s more, it will improve mycareer potentials and be benefit for my future job hunting.

In my opinion, oral English test is a kind of motivation to learn oral English well. In addition, the oral English test is also an opportunity for me to improve my language ability. Moreover, it will improve my career potential and help me find a job in the future.

Henan College Entrance Examination Composition Material 3: About Weight lying

In recent years,losing weight has become a hot topic in our life, especially in women’s community.However, losing weight has aroused people’s attention as many problems has appeared.

In recent years, losing weight has become a hot topic in our life, especially among women. However, with the emergence of many problems, weight loss has attracted people's attention.

There are manyways in losing weight. Some people lose their weight by persisting in doingexercise regularly. Some people take medicine to cut their weight. Furthermore,some turn to operation for help, especially the young. Therefore, all kinds ofproduct have been sold in the market, such as special medicine, tea andequipment.

There are many ways to lose weight. Some people lose weight through regular exercise. Some people take medicine to lose weight. In addition, some people seek help through surgery. Therefore, various products are sold on the market, such as special drugs, tea and equipment.

It’s understandablefor human to pay much attention to their good-look. However, many side effectshave come into being when some people are losing weight. For example, somepeople have lost their weight by taking medicine, but at the same time, theirdigestion systems have been injured. Thus, we should pay more attention to ourphysical coordination when we choose the way to cut our weight.

It is understandable that people pay attention to appearance. However, when some people lose weight, many side effects appear. For example, some people take medicine to lose weight, but at the same time their digestive system has been damaged. Therefore, when choosing the way to lose weight, we should pay more attention to our body coordination.

In my opinion,doing exercise is the best way to lose weight. On the one hand, we can trainour bodies by taking exercise and become healthier. On the other hand, our mindwill be clearer if we do exercise often.

In my opinion, exercise is the best way to lose weight. On the one hand, we can exercise and become healthier through sports. On the other hand, if we exercise regularly, our thinking will be clearer.