The third day of junior high starts writing with a smile
Middle aged people are like fallen leaves
2022-10-31 01:38:36
Junior three

The breeze rustled the green leaves of a tree, as if someone in the distance was whispering in the wind; The rain drops gently fell from the soft petals, as if a mother were painfully wiping tears from the corners of her eyes for a long illness; The stars twinkle in the night sky, like the eyes of future people... I believe these are really related to me, the pain and sorrow of others, bitter tears, joys and sorrows of separation, and I am always listening and thinking

A curved corner of the mouth rises, showing infinite joy, emitting a confident light, and wielding pure beauty. No matter what difficulties you experience, please remember that starting with a smile, the world will smile with you.

The dream is far away and may be difficult to achieve, but we cannot be satisfied with it. When you turn your back to the sun, you will see your own shadow. Even when others look at you, they will only see your face dark. Why not face the sun with confidence and a beautiful smile, so that the sun can sprinkle its brightest sunshine on your body.

In this way, I set out with the most sincere smile. If I don't look back once, where can I go. Listen to the wind exchange in the ear, the heart beats in the chest, once, twice, three times...... The dark unknown ahead of the morning and evening, with our dreams, accompanied by our smile, never turn back, not for any verification, just want to experience life, with a unique attitude, on the way.

Perhaps, the sea is blue, the mountain is vast, full of shock, full of flying, fresh, lofty, broad-minded, soft, soaked in the skin we walk, gradually dispel the thorns, in the distance of blue sky and white clouds, just at this moment, I found that the smile is right beside me. A person carries a backpack and dreams to wander. Although he has walked a long way, he is depressed because he forgets the trauma in his heart. The most primitive breath of life is instinctive and holy. Never hesitate to experience youth, wind and frost, faith, madness, and the eternal thoughts of every floating dust.

A piece of paper blocks everyone's sight and builds a defensive wall. In fact, as long as we gently greet each other, we can open the door to each other's hearts. Let go of the coldness of appearance, we can see the smile from the heart and enjoy the warmth passed by each other.

Without smile, our life will lose sunshine; With a smile, the winter of life is no longer cold. Many times a smile can make us cross the road barrier of life, and it will be smooth on the road to success.