Model essay for senior three's composition report on dreams
A hurried traveler
2022-10-21 08:25:36

Dream is what everyone must have, and dream is the goal of life. As long as we hold the dream and work hard for it, we will finally meet the day of realization. The following is the dream of senior three collected by Xiao Bian Now let's share it with you and enjoy it.

In the dead of night, when the noise of the city gradually settles down in the dusk, look up and see the dazzling stars in the huge sky. Facing the stars in the sky, can you think about your future? Have you ever had a bright dream?

Everyone has a dream, looking up at the starry sky, making a wish for the sky, and life begins to have a direction. Maybe the dream is very far away, maybe it is naive, but it will be as gorgeous as the starry sky in everyone's world.

In order to pursue more exquisite dance, the singer Jolin Tsai has paid many hardships and bruises in practice; Guo Jingming, a young writer, in order to create better works, how many times did he rush to write in the dark, and how much ink was consumed; Olympic champion Liu Xiang, in order to mount the gold medal podium, how much effort and sweat have he made. They may not be geniuses, they may not be good enough, and they have experienced setbacks and pain in the process of pursuing their dreams, but they are all down-to-earth practicing for this dream in life.

When looking up at the starry sky, how many times the obsession echoes in my heart. In order to pursue our dreams, we must go step by step with our feet on the ground. The distance of the dream is closer in the night fight. The illusion of the dream becomes more realistic in the little progress and success.

I still remember that failure after failure gradually blurred the outline of my dream, mocked the surging soul with a deep scar, and a tear made me give up my pursuit. At this time, I remember that I once looked up to the birthplace of that dream - it seems that not every star is so bright... Those bright stars must have worked hard to burst out of the darkness before shining in front of us. Without down-to-earth work, dreams will not be realized and people will not shine. As a result, those shining stars have become the driving force for me to pursue my dream, illuminating my unfinished road... When setbacks strike again, I will rally, even if the road is hard, I will stick to it to the end. Friend, have you ever looked up at the stars? In the face of the vast Milky Way, please make a dream of life... For this dream, we will work hard together. No matter how many thorns and frustrations are ahead, as long as you keep your feet on the ground step by step. The distance between dream and reality is no longer far away.

No matter whether the dream will come true or not, no matter whether life will be as brilliant as the stars, as long as you pursue it down-to-earth, life will no longer be empty and boring. Then, start with your dream, and let's go for the dream journey together!

What is the dream? How to realize the dream. I believe that there will be different answers to this question. Dreams are our life goals and our life plans! So, if you have a dream, go after it boldly and strive boldly! Maybe only in this way, our life will be more wonderful! More perfect! Everyone is great with dreams. Is the key to success? Did you pay? Is it to imagine out of thin air, but to keep working hard, believe that the dream will be closer and closer to us!


If you have a dream, you must fight bravely. If you have a dream, we are all great. But what is the real greatness? It is our constant efforts and persistence! I believe that I will gain something. Work hard for dreams, and only work hard will not waste life and heaven! Life is like this in the sky, is it? The destiny is very short, so cherish it! Persistence will win, persistence will succeed! I believe that after many years, we will become more and more excellent, not as bad as before!


Life is short, life is enough, struggle, run. Although our life is very short, there are dreams in our hearts. People have dreams and have protection. I believe we will have our own action! No amount of words is better than action. So action is the most important! Action is the best way to solve everything! I hope time is evidence, and efforts are experience. Success will be in our hands. I believe you are still around, I believe you are still around! Believe in yourself, believe in yourself!


Struggle is an indispensable part of us. Struggle is the flower of success, and struggle is the stone of success! The road of growth is not always smooth. People will experience ups and downs before they grow and mature! After maturity, we believe that we will be better than before! I believe that the road is ahead, and the road ahead must be full of flowers!

We who have dreams are the same as ordinary people. There is no difference. I envy those successful people who have achieved fame and achievement! But I don't envy those who only dream. Because it is easy to have a dream, but it is not easy to achieve something. Hope is not a superficial dream. Life should be wonderful. Why not let the real dream enter our life? Isn't that a better life!

Anyone who has dreams is great. The key is how to really have dreams? It's really good to have a successful dream like that! I hope that my unremitting efforts will become more excellent, and I hope to see the dawn of hope! What a beautiful thing to have your own sky!

Pursue when you have a dream, struggle when you have a dream! It's really good to have dreams!

My dream is not an empty imagination, which is also my of Each child's childhood may be spent in many cartoons, and so am I. My favorite is Detective Conan, but I am only attracted by those rich pictures. But as I grow up, with the growth of knowledge, I still like it very much, but it is no longer those pictures that attract me, It is not only because of the character modeling that I am attracted to. What I really like to see is the process from the occurrence of each case to the analysis of each theory. On this basis, I like the characters inside. At that time, I didn't dream of becoming a famous detective, but I liked painting. The reason why I have this dream is that I have seen Arthur?; Conan?; I like Sherlock in Doyle's Sherlock Holmes very much?; Sherlock Holmes, a calm, witty and righteous detective, although the cases in the book can sometimes be confusing, it is also a good feeling to suddenly understand after reading the explanation.

Because of this, my dream is to become a famous detective, so my favorite is mystery novels, and I do not classify them as "leisure books", because in the process of reading, I can also exercise my own thinking, Sometimes after reading a book or a chapter, I will think about how to solve problems by myself if I am a detective in such an event. As time passes, I have a dream of becoming a detective. I hope that I can also think about complex cases, find answers by my potential, and also be like Sherlock?; Holmes became an excellent detective as well.

I always think that the dream is not far away from me, but I have never tried for it. I always regard it as huge and far away. With the study of various subjects, I feel that this idea of myself is correct. As a detective, I should have the potential to use foreign languages skillfully. Chemistry, The knowledge of physics, clear thinking and the potential to be good at observing details are very similar to "all-round development"? Maybe my analysis is not comprehensive, but I believe that as long as I work hard, I must be able to do it, and I believe that dreams can also become reality.

Everyone has dreams. Dream is a person's goal. I also have my own dream. My dream is to be a people's teacher. I am a student now, and the knowledge I have now is taught by the teacher hand in hand. How many rosy clouds are dyeing the willows in the morning, the teacher leads us to read in the classroom in the morning, and the bright sound of reading flies out of our hearts, taking our young dreams to fly far away; How many scorching noon, the teacher revised our homework while eating. The teacher wrote the red answers on our books, and also printed the golden dream on our hearts; How many sunsets at the end of the building, when the teacher was in the office, at the desk, and under the lamp, he meticulously wrote the teaching plan. The bright light cut through the night sky, and also lit up our hearts... Ah! Teacher, use your own shoulder to hold the sun of tomorrow! Being a people's teacher is extremely proud, and being a people's teacher is extremely glorious!

Dream is a signpost on the journey; Dream is the beacon light in the sea. It is our mission to follow the guidance of the beacon and embark on the journey towards the goal!. If you want to give others a bowl of water, you must have a bucket of water. It is glorious and arduous to be a people's teacher. In order to realize my dream, I understand that I must sweat more and pay more hardships. The dream is a grand building. My hard work at the moment is to build bricks and tiles for this building

The goal of the ideal is brilliant, but the road to the ideal is tortuous, so I need to take a solid step forward. Listening carefully to each lesson is to add a brick to the ideal building; To write each assignment carefully is to add a tile to the ideal building... Being a people's teacher is my future, and my future is starting at this moment.

Dream is a brilliant sun shining in my heart, guiding my way forward. The teacher wrote on the blackboard, and I saw my future from the teacher's figure; The teacher lectured enthusiastically on the platform, and I heard the call of the future from the sweet voice of the teacher...... I listened carefully and wrote carefully...... I was taking a solid step towards the future

Ah! It is my dream to be a people's teacher. My dream is shining, my Chinese dream is shining! I firmly believe that the countless shining Chinese dreams will shine on the great motherland and rapidly move towards prosperity and strength with a proud pace!

"Without ambition, there is nothing that can be achieved in the world." People have no dreams, and life is black and white. When we have dreams, we should go after them down-to-earth. Madame Curie said, "The strong make opportunities, while the weak wait for opportunities." Some people will make opportunities, seize opportunities, and use opportunities as a ladder, step by step, climb up to the top of the road of dreams, to meet the arrival of success; However, some people wait for the opportunity to let themselves go farther and farther away from their dreams by waiting for the unexpected. If you want to succeed, you must work hard. You can't wait for a piece of pie to fall from the sky. "The way to harvest is to plant first." The secret of success in the road to dreams is to work hard, embrace hope and dream.

Every time I walk on the road, as long as there are dogs and cats nearby, I will observe more, and record in my mind which kinds of cats and dogs are easy to be close to people, cute and pleasing. Although I want to have one, my mother rejected my dream of raising a cat or dog because my brother's nose is allergic to animal hair because he lives in an elevator building at home. You can only touch the cat's soft body when you play at Grandma's house, and play hide and seek with the cat with a cat teaser; And running races with dogs, playing Frisbee games... Every time I meet this moment, it is my happy time.

Once I saw a mangy and hairless dog with a broken leg looking for food in the stinky trash can on the roadside. I was very distressed and sad to see the shocking picture at the moment, which made me secretly wish to be a benevolent and benevolent veterinarian in the future, so that I could contact different cats and dogs, It can also help them recover. It's really killing two birds with one stone! I know that being a veterinarian can't be achieved only by mouth. I must use rich knowledge and clinical accumulation to irrigate this dream seed and let it grow and thrive slowly. I hope that one day when the seed grows into a big tree and bears fruit, it can really provide a place for animals to shelter from the sun and rain.

I believe that under the influence of different times and opportunities, everyone will make a dream in his heart and plant a dream seed. Although the seeds planted are all inclusive and the seeds grow at different speeds, I believe that everyone hopes for the same heart. I don't think it's important whether the dream can be achieved or not. The important thing is the middle process, which is the bittersweet and bitter experience that I have worked hard and seriously. We should grasp the limited time of life, not afraid of the difficulties on the road, and we should go forward bravely to create a sky for ourselves.