Unforgettable mid-term exam excellent composition model
Happy Home
2022-10-25 07:02:49

The monthly exam has just passed, and the mid-term exam is coming again. Although I achieved excellent results in the last monthly exam, there is still an invisible pressure when I really face the mid-term exam.

On the day of the mid-term exam, the students came to the school early and began to review carefully. After a while, the exam began. I was also a little nervous, but I silently encouraged myself: I could get good results in the last monthly exam, and I would certainly do well this time.

The Chinese exam began. The classroom was strangely quiet. I could only hear the voice of students rushing to write. I read the questions carefully and solved them carefully. The knowledge I usually remember is now in use. As time went by, "Ding Ling Ling..." The bell rang, and I handed in my test paper with a sigh of relief.

I finished the two exams in the morning easily, and there were two exams in the afternoon, math and English.

"Ding Lingling......" The bell rang, and all the math problems were "new faces", which became "obstacles" to my success. As time went by, I thought hard and finally completed more than half of it. I looked at my watch. It was almost time for the exam. At this time, I was extremely anxious, like an ant on a hot pot - anxious, but I soon calmed myself down, doing my own problems first, and then thinking back to those problems. Step by step, the bell for class ended. After some thinking, I filled in the answer. After a while, I handed in the paper.

This midterm exam, I thought I would do very well, but the result was unexpected. Although I was among the best, my score was far less than that of the monthly exam.

Alas! Although this exam did not reach the goal I set, I will not give up. I will work hard at the end of the term to achieve good results.