Growing up in the third day of junior high needs setbacks Excellent composition
Happy Angel
2022-10-21 09:28:49
Junior three

Only after experiencing setbacks will you become strong and brave. As Xu Meijing sang, "The sunshine always comes after the wind and rain. Please believe that there is a rainbow. All the ups and downs will be tested by setbacks." The following is a summary of the need for setbacks in the third year of junior high I hope it can help everyone!

I think the smooth road ahead, why don't people walk because of a small obstacle—— Lu Xun

In the extremely quiet room, I was immersed in my homework. The pen rubbed on the paper quickly, making a "rustling" sound, but suddenly stopped. There is a difficult problem in front of me. I didn't want to solve the frustration. I just looked at it for a few minutes and then left it behind.

I closed my homework and went out of the house. I was surprised to find that the world after the rain became dark, gray, and the air was wet. Everything around seemed to have lost its original color. I turned into an alley, where I accidentally saw a different color - a daisy that had just blossomed. How white that is! Beside the pink stamens are white and transparent petals. Looking around it carefully, there is a wall corner with many weeds.

I can't help but be shocked by the scene before me. What a setback to survive in such a place! Suddenly, I thought of myself, a daisy can laugh at setbacks in order to grow up, but I gave up easily because of a difficult topic, and setbacks are essential to success.

Yes, growth is inseparable from setbacks: the bird left the warm nest, in the face of a strange world, it is free; The grass leaves the shelter of the big tree, facing the hot sun, it gets growth; The eagle left his mother's care and faced the steep cliff, he gained strength

Frustration is a stumbling block on the road to growth, but as long as you laugh at setbacks and turn them into paving stones on the road to success, you will gain. Growth actually needs setbacks.

Looking back... It was a dark day. The late autumn phoenix swept away the few remaining autumn leaves on the tree. The sky was gray, like countless sorrows. The dripping autumn rain gently hit the ground, and the cool wind seemed to blow into my heart, but it could not disperse the dark clouds.

In the morning, the math test paper was handed out, and I looked with confidence. '78', a bright red number, was introduced to my eyes, which was shocking How could it be I couldn't believe it. I shook my hands, took the test paper, stared at it, and checked it carefully again. 'Ah, yes, it's really mine! Maybe... maybe the teacher made a mistake... '' I looked at it again and again, and one by one 'x' broke my last illusion. Disappointment, frustration and helplessness seem to form an endless net, firmly enveloping me, which makes me almost unbearable... Suddenly, a voice pulls my thoughts back. It turned out that a poor little dog was sniffing around looking for food. I noticed that his retreat seemed disabled and limping. Maybe he was abandoned because of this. I suddenly felt that a dog who loved being disabled was abandoned by fate, and did not give up himself, but tried to live a strong life. What about me? How can I be defeated by this small setback? Can't help but see the rainbow in the wind and rain

Frustration makes me grow. Let me face the storm and look for the rainbow in my heart!

If yesterday was beautiful, let the memories stay forever; If yesterday was bitter, let the longing linger; if yesterday was dull, let the treasure live forever; if yesterday was sad, let the scars heal. Stand up in the fall and grow up in the setback!

When I walked on the road, I could see the light in my home from a distance, but my feet seemed to be filled with lead, and I could hardly lift my feet. My eyes were blurred. ''What should I do if I go home soon?' '

The rain stopped, the sky cleared up, the dog went home, a colorful bridge hung in the sky, and my footsteps were light.

Growth, of course, needs setbacks. How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? One's life can't be smooth, there will inevitably be some bumps, not always invincible, sunny. Only after experiencing setbacks will you become strong and brave. As Xu Meijing sang, "The sun always comes after the rain, please believe that there is a rainbow, and all the ups and downs will be tested by setbacks."

In my life, something happened that caught me unprepared - I failed in the math exam, which was more than 70 points, an unprecedented score.

When my grades came down, I was shocked. My face was hot, my brain was blank, and tears were swirling in my eyes. I could not bear to fall down. Why is that? I don't believe this is true, but this is a true score!

That night, I called my father and asked him about my grades. I was ready to be criticized. After my father heard my grades, he didn't scold me, He said to me earnestly: "It doesn't matter, kid, if you fail, it doesn't matter. This setback should be regarded as an exercise for your growth. But you should find the reason. What's wrong with your question? You should make sure of your wrong question, ask the teacher and classmates for the questions you don't understand, or go home and ask me. In a word, don't make a mistake, don't be afraid of setbacks, on the contrary, try hard, because if you don't give up this second, there will be hope in the next second. Next time, Dad believes you will do well in the exam. " This sentence deeply touched me, and I also made up my mind to live up to my father's expectations and redouble my efforts.

When I got home, my father explained my wrong question to me, and I understood it, but my mood was still a little melancholy. My father saw through me at a glance and told me a thought-provoking story:

A boy used to be full of vitality. However, unexpected events happened. In a car accident, he lost his arms. In the face of such setbacks, he did not lose confidence in life, but defeated himself with strong perseverance and indomitable spirit. He worked hard with his feet and finally wrote a good word with his feet to show people.

What about me? I just failed in the exam, but I didn't behave as strong as him, a disabled person! I am ashamed of this!

Yes, on the way of growth, people have not experienced hardships, how can they taste the sweetness of success? As Payne said, "Without sowing, there is no harvest; without hard work, there is no success; without hardships, there is no glory; without setbacks, there is no glory!"

The late autumn evening wind swept away the few leaves on the tree, a desolate scene

I dragged my tired body on the way home. After the competition, I lost my name. A gust of wind blew, and the coolness came from the heart. The days of burning the midnight oil before the exam ended, leaving only a depressed mood. Dark clouds billowed in the sky, and thunder came from far to near. "It's going to rain," I said to myself, and I couldn't help but hurry home.

When I returned home, my mother saw my depressed expression and anxiety. My father pondered for a long time and said to me, "Fail the exam! Frustration always accompanies you, depending on whether you can be tireless. Do you still remember running?" With my father's words, I recalled that six months ago, I still remember that it was the past of the sports test, and the school required that the kilometer score must reach 30% and 40%, The news exploded above my head like a bolt from the blue. Physical education is my weakness from school. It is impossible to achieve this goal.

On Sunday morning, I took my father to accompany me to the square to practice once, twice, three times... I ran again and again, and soon sweated heavily. Suddenly, I felt my legs soft, and fell to the ground. It was like a deflated leather ball that had no strength to get up again. I thought it was over. I could not pass this test. At this moment, a pair of warm hands reached out in front of me, "Get up, child! Failure is the mother of success. I believe you can. " After listening to my father's words, I recovered my courage. Looking at his encouraging eyes, I firmly said, "I can persist." At this time, it seemed that I was full of strength again. After the physical education teacher repeatedly asked me to start, finish and run, I suddenly realized that there are so many skills in running. I finally passed the test successfully

The thunder interrupted my memory, and confidence returned to my heart. I carefully sorted out the messy papers on the desk, which taught me the lesson of failure. Although there are thunder, wind and rain outside, I seem to see the gorgeous rainbow after the wind and rain. Sunshine always comes after the wind and rain. Frustration is always inevitable, and no one can casually succeed. Let's grow up in frustration!

What is frustration? Some people say that setbacks are mountains that cannot be overturned; Some people say that frustration is a sea you can't swim in; Some people say that setbacks are obstacles that cannot be overcome, but I say that setbacks are condiments in the process of growth. In one's growth journey, how can it be plain sailing without confrontation with setbacks? Growth without setbacks is doomed to be imperfect, and growth needs setbacks.

I remember when I was just in the fourth grade, I got good results in the previous dictation exams and began to be complacent and arrogant. But when I was proud of myself, others had already worked hard, but I still ignored them and always thought that I could still achieve good results. Finally, after the next exam, my scores plummeted. The teacher's talk, the parents' criticism and the classmates' ridicule all hit me again and again, and the pain of that failure lingered in my heart.

But later, I thought of Edison, who failed more than 1600 experiments and still smiled: "I know that more than 1600 materials can't be used as light bulbs. Is this success or failure?" Compared with him, my frustration was nothing at all. Slowly, I walked out of the shadow of failure. Failure in learning may leave a mark in the growth process, but it will inspire me and let me really grow. Although I have no outstanding achievements, I will still work hard. Even though the thorns will bring me more setbacks, I will also go forward bravely to meet difficulties.

In the world, from scratch, burn, frostbite, bruise, crush, sprain, and even internal injury, how can a heart not be hurt at all? Growth needs setbacks.