2021 College Entrance Examination essay prediction and model essay: "the normality of life"
I can take it and put it down
2022-11-02 03:30:17
college entrance examination

When I was lovelorn, I shed tears and closed my heart. I no longer believe that love mother said that it is your luck to find someone to accompany you

When I was old, the disease sentenced my life. I said to my child that it was my luck to have something once and it was the normal state of life to say goodbye at the end

In your eyes, what belongs to the normality of life? What associations can this poem evoke for you? Please write an article on the topic of "the normality of life". Apart from poetry, there is no limit to the style, with more than 800 words. Do not reveal school and personal information in your composition.

Analysis of test questions:

Psychologists say that people do not feel lucky when things are going well, but often feel unfair when they encounter bad luck. The life normality in a person's eyes largely determines his attitude towards life. When we regard difficulties and difficulties as the normal state of life, our attitude towards life will be calm, positive and calm. When a person regards the emergence of setbacks, misfortunes and hardships as the normal state of life, he can have the courage to face them directly, and at the same time, he will be grateful for the care and help from others.

This topic can cover all aspects of life, and the article should present dialectical and unified rational thinking. You can write about yourself and others; It can not only write about nature, but also about real society. The author's attitude towards happiness, sadness, adversity and prosperity in life can be seen from the composition conception.

[Model Text]

The normality of life

Festivals are always inseparable from the splendor of fireworks, which make everyone stop for its dazzling and dazzling; However, the street lamps that light our way home are usually the ordinary ones, every day, every year

Qi Baishi's picture of Chinese cabbage shows the truth that "great taste must be weak". This "light taste" is not "boring", but "the normal state of life". Who can have a legendary life? Such "inconceivable and shocking" only exists in the mythical world, but in real life, there are more faint life forms.

Falls, lovelorn, birth, old age, illness and death may be something everyone has to experience, which is the normal state of life, nothing strange. Maybe falling makes you know how to get up, lovelorn makes your heart hard, a serious illness makes you realize the true meaning of life

Everyone longs to be a lucky person and a "special group" favored by God, but that kind of luck is too elusive. Have you ever seen the normality of life?

Mr. Disney used to live in a garage and live in poverty, living with mice all day long. What bad conditions and environment are these? However, he did not complain about the world or expect the "pie from heaven". He enjoyed the normality of life in peace. Finally, he took the mouse as the prototype, created Mickey Mouse and worked hard to create Disney! He waited for the faint light of the "street lamp" in life, and finally let the powerful fireworks burst into dazzling light!

Yu Minhong, the founder of "New Oriental", was once a student who failed twice in the college entrance examination, but he knocked on the door of China's top university with excellent results for the third time; He was once a "wronged professor" who was punished by the school broadcast notice; He used to be a poor boy whose applications for going abroad were rejected several times; He used to be a "shy man" who was docile and not good at words... He suffered numerous failures and setbacks, but he knew that these were the normal of life and the reality he had to accept and face. When he finally established "New Oriental" as the first Chinese education enterprise listed in the United States, he was filled with emotion, There are too many things that seem unlucky but can become opportunities. He said: "Look for hope in despair, and life will be brilliant."

Maybe we can't be as "brilliant" as the first two successful people. Maybe you just experienced the rejection of more than a dozen companies today. Maybe you just separated from your lover today. Maybe you just experienced bankruptcy or even homelessness. You feel depressed, lonely and helpless... You feel that there is darkness ahead, and you feel that you have no strength to stand up anymore

But is it true?

Li originates from the power in the heart. That power may be strong or soft. Look at the experience before the first two succeeded. Did they abandon themselves? No, Even if we can't be so successful, why not learn from their warm and ordinary heart when facing the normal life?

In fact, human happiness is very simple. As long as you learn to "see through", you will not be swayed and regret no matter what the environment is.

To know how to be content and let nature take its course is not to accept the fate of the arrangement with a dull mind, but to experience life with a quiet and grateful heart, regardless of failure, success, luck or misfortune.

You should know that only those who truly understand the "normality of life" can live fully and understand that no matter how hard they are hit or defeated, they can not quench the "gentle" fire in their hearts, because the "softness" in their hearts is not "weakness", but "tenacity" that can not be broken and crushed by wind and rain.

"Seeing through" the normal state of life is also a kind of realm. From now on, you will live in a peaceful state of mind, just like practicing "Zen".

Comment: This is a rare masterpiece in the examination room. The rigorous structure and unique perspective light up the whole article. At the beginning, the article uses street lights to metaphor that indifference is the normal state of life, but then turns to talk about the inevitable frustrations in life, and gives two examples, Disney and Yu Minhong, to make the article real and sensible in content. At the end, the author ends with an ordinary mind to "see through" the normal state of life, It not only responds to the metaphor at the beginning of the article, but also makes the article have depth in thought. Instead of focusing on the topic, it is more intelligent to let us know that the calm and plain state of mind is the real "normal" to understand the truth of life.

The normality of life

Floating life is like tea.

Everyone's life is like a cup of tea. When tea leaves emit a delicate fragrance, it is your treasure house fortune. However, it is the normal state of life to be constantly washed, cleansed and baptized by water, just as life is doomed to be through the wind and rain to reach the other side of success and gain the freedom of the soul.

Yes, suffering is the normal state of life.

That wisp of astringent fragrance fills my sense of smell. It was Zhu Shenghao who tried hard to translate Shakespeare's plays under the circumstance of having no family; It was Shi Tiesheng who was looking for his mother in a wheelchair under the acacia tree; That is Nietzsche's insistence on truth when he is not believed; That was Yuan Longping's sweat as he walked down the rice field in the scorching sun... Our life is often not short of wealth, health, understanding and achievements, and also is not without difficulties. Just as the initial state of life is a pile of tea leaves waiting for boiling water to pour, all kinds of tests and challenges will follow. However, the human characteristic is that the more it is knocked down, the more it will stand up.

The faint fragrance crept into my mouth. Yes, indomitable souls may be looking forward to the coming storm. They are eager to use their love of life to heat the temperature of water, so that their values can endure forever. After being burned, the diamond can become a diamond, and the clam suffering from the pain of sand can finally reveal pearls. The pioneers in the preface of Tolerance finally opened the door to light after several years, and those countless great men pointed out the direction of truth for the world. "Whoever will eventually make a sound that shakes the world will remain silent for a long time; whoever will eventually light a lightning bolt will remain wandering like a cloud for a long time." Without the devastation of those disasters, how can we see Hawking conquer the universe with wisdom; How to understand Cao Xueqin's words in A Dream of Red Mansions; How can we see a sky that was once sprinkled with the blood of our predecessors, but now is so blue that it makes people cry

Lin Qingxuan once compared the memory in life to a hotel, and the normal state of life is to constantly choose the direction of running at once; Rousseau compared life to an arc, "we will all follow this path". But I think these metaphors fail to reveal the essence of life's suffering and the wonderful process in it. We are tea in a cup. Warm water cannot overflow the wisdom and fragrance of life; Only the life that is continuously boiled with boiling water is the real meaningful and eternal life normal.

"A real warrior dares to face the bleak life." The floating life is like a tea, with many bad luck, but more importantly, the ability to face the pain, resolve the pain, and turn it into the fragrance of life. Only in this way can we obtain peace of mind when life is calm, face no fear when we are confused, and obtain inner calm and courage when life is suffering.

Comment: The success of this work lies in the skillful use of the skill of metaphor and argumentation, which compares people with tea. The baptism of tea by boiling water eventually overflows the fragrance of tea, while life requires the experience of suffering to achieve great success. As the author said, "Only the life that is continuously boiled with boiling water is the real meaningful and eternal life normality." This writing method not only has the effect of simplifying difficult topics, but also increases the literary flavor of the article, reflecting both the writing skills and inspiration.