Su Wu related composition materials for college entrance examination
Pure old man
2022-10-21 13:22:12

1. Profile

Su Wu (140-60 BC), a minister of the Western Han Dynasty, was famous for his loyalty and integrity. Zi Qing, a native of Du Ling (now southeast of Xi'an, Shaanxi). In the first year of Emperor Wu's Tianhan (the first 100 years), Zhonglang was sent as an envoy to the Huns. Later, he was trapped in the North Sea (today's Lake Baikal in Russia) and lived by herding sheep. Suwu lived in the Huns for 19 years.

2. Comments of famous experts

Ban Gu (Han Dynasty): Confucius said that "people with lofty ideals and benevolence can become benevolent if they kill themselves, and harm benevolence if they do not seek survival", and that "they can make people everywhere, and do not humiliate the nobility". Su Wu has it.

(Tang Dynasty) Li Bai: Su Wu was in the Huns and held the Han Festival for ten years. White geese flew up to Lin Fei and sent a letter in the air. The land near the shepherd is bitter, the sunset turns away, the water in the Moon Cave is thirsty, and the snow in the sky is hungry. The east is far away from the sand, and the north is far away from the river. Li Ling wears his clothes and tears turn into blood. (Su Wu)

(Tang Dynasty) Wen Tingyun: Before Su Wu's soul was released from the Han Dynasty, the tall trees in the ancient temple were at a loss. The wild geese cut off the Hu sky and the moon beside the clouds, and the sheep in Longshang went back to fill the grass and smoke. Returning to the terrace of the sun is not the first account. When going to Guanjian, it was Ding Nian. Maoling did not see the seal of marquis, and cried to Qiubao in the air. (Su Wu Temple)

(Yuan) Zhang Yanghao: I dare to resign when I am a minister, and I feel comfortable when I get rid of difficulties. Just look at Ziqing's place of integrity. Snow is like a mat, and you don't know how cold it is. (Su Wu)

3. Material application

Topic 1: Frustration and pain amplification

Happy life, there will also be pain, some people can face setbacks and resolve pain, while some people often exaggerate setbacks and magnify pain. Different choices, different journey of life, if we want to let the Gobi Desert in our hearts bloom with flowers, we have to face setbacks, not magnify pain.

When Su Wu was exiled to Beihai, the sheep in Beihai bleated, as if they were welcoming the faithful and unyielding minister. If the pain of more than ten years can be regarded as a setback, then this setback is undoubtedly painful, but the old shepherd has not magnified the pain, so more than ten years later, the Han Dynasty's history has written down the unyielding national integrity.

Life is only beautiful when it comes out, but not brilliant when it comes out. Therefore, facing setbacks and resolving pain is our best choice. (Excerpt from the full score composition "Life is an invincible flower" in the 2004 college entrance examination)

Topic 2: Believe in yourself and listen to others' opinions

Su Ziqing is beside Lake Baikal. Dressed in a white sheep fur, felt shoes, felt clothes, and felt scarves, he stood alone in the boundless Siberian wilderness, with sheep like snow waves behind him. At the dusk of Mengchun, he was about to return to the Qionglu. In the background, the ice waves on the Baikal Lake and the white clouds in the sky rose up against the mountains.

He headed eastward and looked southward from afar: there was infinite sadness in his eyes, and it seemed that there was a ray of hope burning. He only believes in himself and his motherland.

He has only a big man in mind. Wei Lv persuaded him not to listen, but Li Ling's opinion went unheeded. The tears of his newly married Hu Nu could not hold him back, and his little son's little hand could not hold his skirt. He didn't listen to anyone. He molded himself with his persistence.

A green plain with wild flowers is blooming. There is a woman holding a staff in the plain, and a group of returning sheep are also surging behind. That was the scene after Su Wu returned home. His abandoned wife and his sheep were safe; But in the eyes of the shepherdess, what was implicit was grief and indignation? Or desolate? (Excerpts from Goddess)

Topic 3: Choice of mind

In the desolate Beihai, the sheep bleated. Not far away sat a man holding the Han Festival. From black hair to white hair, he continued to write with half his life's hard work. In the south, the emperors have gone from generation to generation. However, no one can remember that there is a monument standing on the remote Beihai Sea that the Han Dynasty will never fall.

The paint on the Han Festival faded layer by layer, but the old man's eyes were always burning with a ray of flame. The Khan of the Huns was afraid: "How can there be such a stubborn person?" He could not understand that the weight of this half life should bear the eternal pride of the Chinese nation!

On the balance of life, some people choose personal gains and losses, but others choose the unimpeded release of personality, the prosperity and peace of the country, and the integrity of the nation. It is often these people who hold up the balance of life, grasp the eternal rope, and find the eternal answer in the tug of war between life and eternity. (Excerpts from the excellent composition "The Eternal Tug of War" in the 2002 Zhejiang College Entrance Examination)

Topic 4: Self esteem and respect for others

There is a detail in Su Wu's Biography. When Su Wu and his deputy envoy Zhang Shengtong were captured by Shan Yu, Su Wu chose to serve the country faithfully in the face of Shan Yu's temptation and intimidation, while Zhang Sheng finally chose to surrender. It is reasonable to infer that the ferocious Shan Yu would rather die than surrender to Su Wu. But it is precisely because of this kind of integrity of Su Wu that it has won the respect of Shan Yu and the reputation in history. Zhang Sheng, Li Ling and even Wei Lv were forever nailed to the column of shame. In fact, there are countless examples in history of gaining his respect due to self-esteem. (Excerpt from Su Wu's Dignity)

Topic 5: Morality and Honor

Chinese people have always valued morality and honor. The old noble literati still kept the integrity of "people are as thin as chrysanthemums" even though they were in various difficulties. The ancient martyr girl was touched by the market rascal, but her sharp blade broke her hand, leaving behind the Martyr's Day Memorial Archway. In the Han Dynasty, Su Wu was forced to herd sheep, "thirsty for snow, hungry for blankets" in the ice and snow. After experiencing difficulties, his heart was as hard as iron and stone, and he held the Han Festival with awe without changing his ambition. "The time is poor and the festival is present, and the history is appreciated one by one". All these have left stories with Chinese characteristics. (Excerpts from Morality and Celebrity)

Topic 6: Belief

When Su Wu went to the Huns as an envoy, he was detained because his entourage participated in the rebellion of the Huns. In the crisis, Su Wu always maintained the national dignity and national interests. He not only showed his wish to mend the Huns, but also showed his determination to die. In the face of the threat from Wei Lv at first, he was seduced by profit, and finally forced by cutting off water and food. When he was tried, he even cut his throat to avoid being humiliated. Later in the trial, Wei Lv "cut Yu Chang with a sword" on the spot to intimidate the Han envoy. Under this circumstance, Zhang Sheng, the deputy envoy, surrendered, while Su Wu stood still against Wei Lv's sword. Wei Lv persuaded him with wealth, while Su Wu denounced him outright, and even blamed him for the security of the two countries. When the Huns put him in a cold and hungry place, Su Wu still did not give in. Relying on his indomitable will and belief, he was still "herding sheep and lying up to practice" under extremely difficult conditions, never forgetting that he was an envoy of the Han Dynasty. The Huns sent Li Ling, an old friend, to persuade him to surrender, in an attempt to dispel his attachment to the Han Dynasty. Su Wu did not make a frontal confrontation, but only used the great righteousness of the monarch and his subjects and the country to dissect his own heart. On the contrary, Li Ling felt ashamed and speechless. (Excerpts from Faith)

Topic 7: Selection

Long years have gone through many ups and downs: billowing waves, many heroes, but the wind of great men will last forever.

That is the North Sea where Su Wu herds sheep! Su Wu chose the great integrity of the Chinese nation and carried forward the fine virtues of Chinese civilization. Such a choice is noble and selfless!

There is a vast world and a bright future. How many people with lofty ideals will remain immortal, even though they die, they will still be honored. They are either noble and selfless, or wise and unrepentant, or noble and simple. It is their supreme and glorious choice that makes our nation shine and make Chinese civilization immortal.

History chose Su Wu, who chose loftiness and selflessness, wisdom and simplicity. It is a resounding name and the most dazzling constellation in the starry sky of history, leading the latecomers to find the coordinates of life in the dark night, and to move forward bravely without getting lost. (Excerpt from Unnecessary Choice)

Topic 8: Persistence

When Su Wu was herding sheep in Beihai, Shan Yu sent Li Ling to Beihai to persuade Su Wu to surrender. Li Ling said, "Shan Yu sincerely awaits your surrender. It seems that he will never let you go back to the Han Dynasty. Bai Bai suffered in this desolate place. Who knows your loyalty to the imperial court?" Li Ling recounted the tragic experiences of Su Wu's family after he went to the Huns (the eldest brother and younger brother were forced to commit suicide, his mother died, his wife remarried, and his children disappeared), in an attempt to shake Su Wu's determination to return to the Han Dynasty. However, Su Wu firmly said, "I always hope to throw my head and blood for the imperial court. Now I have the chance to sacrifice myself to serve the imperial court, and I am willing to take the axe and the soup pot." He was never tempted, and was praised by future generations. (Excerpt from "The faithful ambassador who loves the motherland")