Senior 3 Composition on Safety
Go away smartly
2022-11-01 02:29:13
Grade 3
topic of conversation

With the development of the times and the progress of science and technology, there are more and more mechanized things and more and more potential safety hazards around.

For the problem of "safety", we have to worry about it. Some parents almost let their little children stay at home all day and try not to go out. All potentially dangerous items in the home are wrapped on the left three floors and the right three floors, but it is still difficult to put an end to some tragedies, such as swallowing the battery, puncturing the head with a needle, and so on. In this way, the probability of tragedy is not reduced much, but the children lose their freedom. Isn't it worse.

In fact, in order to maintain security, we should not just rely on isolation, but should have a sense of hardship in essence.

Put a lot of safety education knowledge into children, and let them know what can't be done and what is dangerous in a practical way. This not only greatly reduces the occurrence of tragedies, but also ensures children's freedom. Isn't it more perfect.

Security can be as small as one person, as large as one country, and as large as one nation.

The Chinese nation owns 9.6 million square kilometers of land, and each piece of land contains a large amount of wealth. Places like the South China Sea are a place for military strategists to contend for. Therefore, our border defense work is well done. For territorial and national security issues, there is no place left for other countries to discuss, but this does not mean that we are closed to the outside world and our foreign trade exchanges have not decreased, But it is increasing, because we have been hurt too deeply for security. The closed door policy of the Qing Dynasty seems to have calmed China for a short time, but soon, the security risks were exposed. The partition of China by the big powers caused China heavy losses, which made us realize that some security is not really security, but it is China's failure that time, Let us also realize the seriousness of the problem, so China began to develop rapidly, opening the door, introducing advanced technology, and vigorously developing to have our security today. It can be seen that seemingly unsafe things can also bring safety.

"A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise." Some things seem safe but are not safe, and some things, although unsafe, can bring security. Facing the future, security is still the criterion of all our activities. It is also our goal to maintain our own security while opening our doors. It is also our goal to adhere to the introduction and not forget to go out. It is also our goal to open to the outside world. Only by taking independence and self-reliance as the fundamental basis for self-development can China stand proudly among the nations in the world today.

In the decades of China's grand development and rapid development, the road has been rough and hard, tortuous and difficult, and the security issues still follow the rules.

To treat security correctly is actually the best way for self development.