I'm not alone anymore
Dream Love Night Star
2022-10-31 00:20:07
topic of conversation

In daily study, work or life, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. Composition is a speech activity with a high degree of comprehensiveness and creativity. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is my composition for the senior high school entrance examination, which I am no longer alone. Welcome to share.

The deep winter weather is cold and dark, just like my mood at the moment.

I don't know when a flurry of snow floated in the sky and fell on the ground, rustling, as if something was broken in my heart.

The results of the final exam almost suffocated me. I am angry, I have no choice! I tried hard, but with a gentle wave of God's giant hand, my efforts were switched into contemptuous eyes and mockery, and were maximized, occupying the whole heart screen.

Tomorrow is my birthday. Every year, this has become a fixed number. The difference is that what was born earlier this year is my exam results! I suddenly feel that there is no spring, summer and autumn in my life, only this cold winter

Step out of the house and into the field.

The snow here seems to be smaller than at home, and the sky is slightly brighter than my mother's eyes. I picked up a dead branch and danced like the wind, sweeping the flying snow in the air. Snowflakes are not afraid, they still spin, dance like butterflies, and finally fall on the ground. The ground is already a thin layer, white and soft, so that I can't bear to go further, for fear of destroying the white world.

In the crease of the sleeve, a white angel floated down. Is it snow? Gently poked, but did not respond; Again, it is not a common hexagon. It's a goose feather! A small "alternative".

In the wind, it was lifted again and again, put down again and again, silently, without regrets. "Gravity is equal to 9.8 N/kg", and those trivial things flash into my mind. Yes, because of gravity, it falls on the ground; Because it is different, it is lonely and is blown by the wind again. But it seems very happy. It is not humiliated by the wind or lonely without companions. It still falls to the ground persistently to find its own home.

I can catch it, but I don't.

I chased it to see what the end of this non life life would be. It doesn't know that someone is paying attention to it. It still floats happily, falls silently, dances and smiles silently

Finally, it stayed in a clump of withered grass. Is this its final destination?

I squatted down, picked it up gently, and held it in my hand, as if holding a priceless treasure. "Come with me," I said to it gently. "Who let us know each other in this storm? It's also a friend in need."

I know that this year, this is probably the only birthday gift I received. It is light and almost weightless; But it is also very important to remind me that in life, there are gains and losses. We should face difficulties bravely and be optimistic to succeed.

A piece of goose feather, my birthday gift - no, it's the gift of life! It flutters in my heart. Since then, I am no longer alone, with its company, I am no longer afraid of the wind and rain ahead.