Reflections on 2022 College Entrance Exam Pledge Conference _ Reflections of Students in the Hundred Day Pledge Conference
A real traveler's province is boundless
2022-11-01 00:29:09
high school
impressions of after reading

When the passionate music played in the ear, all the teachers and students in the lecture hall stood up and sang the national anthem. Now we, who used to play games, all looked serious and looked firm.

Today, we are lucky to be invited to participate in the Class X High School Three Hundred Day Oath Ceremony. Previously, we thought that the college entrance examination was still far away, and there would be fatigue in our study. This swearing in ceremony is indeed a wake-up call on our heads.

On the stage, Mr. Xin Jiliang taught his students with his senior teaching experience. We quasi senior high school seniors are also full of gains when we sit down on the stage.

The foundation is poor, and the earth shakes and the mountains shake. No matter which subject, the foundation determines whether your learning career will be smooth in the future. Only a steady foundation can build a high-rise building. When it comes to norms, many students must be in tears, because failure to comply with norms is a disadvantage. It's really dumb eating coptis -- I can't tell the bitterness. Apart from these two points, whether we have confidence in ourselves is also very important. It only needs a small reason to be cowardly and escape, but we still need to believe that we can break through many obstacles and capture the fruits of victory.

The college entrance examination is no longer a vague concept for us now. We should write a book and be ready to duel with it at any time. Learning is like sailing against the current!

Let's try, try, try again! As the oath said, we live up to our parents' expectations, teachers' expectations, and youth's ideals, and give ourselves satisfactory answers!