The omnipotent material of Chinese college entrance examination composition
thinking of an old acquaintance on seeing a familiar scene
2022-11-03 00:19:57

[Character Evaluation]

When talking and laughing, the feather fan gently shakes, breaking the enemy's millions; On the battlefield, the red robe was dyed and Nanjun was fought bloody. He used his short life to interpret the true meaning of loyalty and wisdom.

When the country was in danger, he fought against all the people's opinions and took the power of Cao Wei to show the demeanor of a famous scholar; In front of the Red Cliff Front, he was calm and poised, drawing out his sword to meet and defeat millions of Cao troops. His short life is really as impressive as a mountain!

[Use of materials] The peak of power is within his reach; He will never forget the faith of loyalty. He burned Red Cliff, fought in Nanjun, and achieved the hegemony of others with his short life. A loyal old man of Soochow, he has foresight to help the world of Wu. What is a virtuous plan, a good commander, and a capable minister.

2. Qu Yuan: Miluo Spirit with a pure heart

[Character Evaluation]

"I could not bear to die in exile.". In some people's opinion, it is not necessary to be too serious in life. The world is clear and honest, and you can become an official; The world is turbid and can rise and fall with the world. However, you would rather die in the river than expose your innocent body to worldly dust.

Seeing the once prosperous country has no hope, although you want to serve your country, you are unable to return to heaven. You could have run away from other countries, but finally, because of your love for the country, you sank into the Miluo River in grief and anger, and died for your own ideal. How can we not let people sigh?

[Use of materials] It was you who made Chu, which was in trouble both at home and abroad, once a prosperous country and a strong people, and made the princes powerful; It's you. Although you have been alienated and exiled for many times, your pure heart has never changed. "There is a long way to go, and I will search up and down." Until there is nothing I can do, you jump into Miluo River and die for the ideal of American politics!

3. Li Shizhen: Write a Chinese legend with persistence

[Character Evaluation]

Put on your straw sandals, take up your medicine basket, travel far into the mountains and wilderness, and visit the famous doctor Su Ru. With such a modest attitude and brilliant achievements, you write a legend for Chinese history!

A farmer, with perseverance, went into the mountains, experienced trials and hardships, tasted hundreds of herbs, and wrote an immortal medical book that affected the world. His name was engraved into the memory of history together with the Compendium of Materia Medica.

[Application of materials] Your body is like a boat against the current, and your heart is stronger than iron. Your firm belief will accompany you into the medical temple, and your unremitting efforts will lead you to the top of success!

4. Li Yu: the poet emperor

[Character Evaluation]

In the short period of 40 years, he lived without regret, with glory and wealth, as well as hardship and helplessness. The pursuit of life is always fixed in the long river of history. The Emperor of Ci Poets is the leading one in Chinese history.

House arrest could not obliterate his will, and suffering could not destroy his interest. He poured out his dream seeds with painstaking efforts, and finally bloomed the flower of Ci Emperor.

[Use of materials] Others may think that he is just a fatuous emperor, but only he knows that poetry and prose is his favorite in his life. He has never regretted snubbing Ronghua, staying away from contention, and choosing to accompany with Ci. To fade the golden watch, he left behind brilliant poems.

5. Wang Zhaojun: The Most Beautiful Messenger of Peace in the Central Plains

[Character Evaluation]

For the sake of the nation and the country, she is willing to sacrifice herself and give up her family for everyone. Her trip to the frontier has brought more than 60 years of peace. Zhaojun is remembered not only for her beauty, but also for her dedication.

The flowers in Chang'an are red and the Yanmen sand is yellow. Only the Yanqun who returned from the south knows how Zhaojun gave up his life glory to gain peace for half of the Han Dynasty. Only the Changfeng in the north of Shuo knows how long the yearning and regret free choice of Zhaojun lies behind the long Qiang flute.

[Use of materials] Your shy face like a crabapple, your proud character like a chrysanthemum, your missing like willow catkins, and your tears like peach blossoms disappear in the vast desert. You quietly go with the breeze, for the sake of eternal peace, your heroic appearance is the most beautiful silhouette in Mobei.

6. Sun Bin: The Wisdom Embodied by Disability and Sharpness

[Character Evaluation]

In difficult times, he never gave up, opened dusty doors with sharp wisdom, and finally ushered in the dawn of life. Pang Juan's persecution could not stop the release of his talent, and the pain of his knees and feet could not stop his pursuit. Sun Bin, your great wisdom and courage will always be the guiding light for us to move forward.

He is a giant sword relying on the sky. He has been tempered by the flames of history and forged by the ruthlessness of the world. With the light of his wisdom, our Chinese culture has a legend of rescuing Zhao from Wei.

[Use of materials] Tian Ji races horses and rescues Zhao. We read you from the idiom; Disabled, sharp and armed, we will judge you from history. You are a silent song, which is still popular for thousands of years; You are a wordless book, deducing the legend of wisdom.

7. Guan Yu: a brave and brave loyal giant

[Character Evaluation]

When the world was in turmoil, you stood up bravely, followed Liu Bei, and contributed your life to the revival of the Han Dynasty. Guan Yunchang, you are the iron man of the Chinese nation!

Pass five passes, kill six generals, and ride alone for thousands of miles; He went to the meeting alone and flooded the Seven Armies... His martial arts frightened Cao's army, and he was loyal and brave. Your brave blood is the soul of the Chinese nation, and you will stand firm forever! Your persistent belief is the noble righteousness between heaven and earth, and will never destroy eternal life!

[Use of materials] You are a legend among military officers, who have both wisdom and courage, and are brave and good at fighting. Enemies of all people, loyalty and justice, you are a legend among ministers. Hold the Green Dragon Yanyue Sabre in your hand and shout, which will shake China.

8. Yue Fei: the lion of the Central Plains

[Character Evaluation]

As a commoner, he remembered his ambition of serving the country faithfully; As a general of a country, he wrote the legend of "anti gold heroes". Although he was killed by a sycophant and died in a political struggle, the pines and cypresses in front of the Yuewang Temple are evergreen and the Yuewang is wise forever.

Ling Yun is ambitious and unyielding. In the face of the enemy, you stand up bravely and fight bravely. Gossip, accusation, suspicion, alienation... nothing can erase your loyalty and patriotism!

[Use of materials] Fight hard, gallop on the battlefield, become a famous general and serve the country faithfully. He propped up half of the country with the Liquan Spear, and forged the unbeaten myth with his blood. He is a lion running across the Central Plains.

9. Huo Qubing: a hot blooded youth born in the sky

[Character Evaluation]

The powerful enemy did not retreat his pace, and he angrily killed the enemy for his country; The successful fame and fortune did not cover his eyes, and he still regarded the country as his own responsibility. "The Huns are still alive, why should we be at home?" He was an unprecedented hero.

With his brave spirit and 800 cavalry, he galloped in the vast desert to kill the enemy, and fought beautiful battles with his loyalty and love for the country. He is a model in the Han army.

[Use of materials] The indifference in the eyes is the fearlessness to the Huns, and the enthusiasm in the heart is the protection of the country. To this day, the sound of blood hitting your heart wall is still recognizable, and the unique style of your horse riding on the Huns is still clear. We are fascinated by your enthusiasm for the country, and moved by your ambition of not loving luxury and defending the country!

10. Su Wu: the most tenacious watcher in the vast desert

[Character Evaluation]

One day for 19 years, he was herding sheep in the desert, lonely and lonely with him, but he never thought of giving in. Richness and honour seemed to him a thing of the past, and loyalty was eternal to him. He is a true patriot!

Time did not erode his integrity, and loneliness did not defeat his belief. He spent more than 7000 days and nights forging an immortal story, and his loyalty to the motherland inspired countless future generations.