Third grade composition and love writing
one's nobility lasts forever
2022-11-01 00:25:02
Junior three

The newborn bird always has to be protected by its mother to thrive, but if the bird does not leave its mother's warm wings, it will never learn to fly.

Do you remember learning to walk when you were young? My mother always supported me, which was shaking, and happily stepped on the ground with her feet step by step. But I am not willing to be so slow and want to run quickly, but my mother's hands have become a line, tightly holding me from her protection. I know this is a kind of love, pet. But I also know that if she can let go early and let me stumble along the road alone, maybe I can learn to walk faster and how to protect myself on the bumpy road.

When I grew up and reached the age of learning to ride a bicycle, my mother still walked like a child, holding the direction tightly for me. But I asked her to let go! Because I can't always grow up under the umbrella, can I? Mother agreed, and she seemed to understand the meaning of "letting go". Although I paid the price of falling off my bike heavily, this is also the fastest way to achieve success. In contrast, I enjoy my mother's love more - let go.

What I want to be is a phoenix that can soar in the sky at will, rather than a fledgling that can only limp forward under the care of its mother. But this needs a kind of love called "letting go" as a supplement, and experience the wind and rain as a seasoning. This taste may be bitter, sour and hot, but I have no regrets!