Motivational composition materials for senior high school entrance examination
Emotion can control
2022-10-30 02:58:55
topic of conversation

Han Xincheng is also a loser? Success or failure depends on oneself!

crawl between another 's legs -- to drain the cup of humiliation

There was a butcher in Huaiyin who insulted Han Xin and said, "Although he grew up, he would wear a sword and be afraid of ears.". He insulted him publicly and said, "If you can die, stab me; if you can't, go out of the crotch." Han Xin looked at the other side for a long time, slowly bent down and climbed out of his crotch. People in the street laughed at Han Xin and thought he was a coward.

At the end of the ill fated Qin Dynasty, Xiang Liang fought against Qin and crossed the Huaihe River to the north. At this time, Han Xin took his sword to Xiang Liang and stayed in the army, unknown. After Xiang Liang died, he belonged to Xiang Yu, who made him a doctor. Han Xin has offered advice to Xiang Yu many times, but Xiang Yu refuses to accept it.

Xiao He Chases Han Xin Under the Moon

Han Xin talked with Xiao He for many times and was appreciated by Xiao He, but he was never put in the important position by Liu Bang, so he left on the moon. When Xiao He heard that Han Xin had left, he had no time to report to Liu Bang and rode to chase Han Xin. After catching up with Han Xin, Xiao He asked Han Xin why he wanted to leave. Han Xin said, "Han Wang doesn't trust me. I don't need me. I don't mean to stay here. I want to go to other people." Xiao He said, "Don't leave now. Go back with me. If Han Wang doesn't seal you as a general this time, it's not too late for you to leave." Under Xiao He's repeated pleading, Han Xin reluctantly went back with Xiao He.

Han Xin's soldiers, more is better

Once, Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, talked with Han Xin about the military talents of the generals in the imperial court. Later, Liu Bang asked Han Xin, "How many troops do you think I can command?" Han Xin said, "Your Majesty, you can command at most 100000 people." Liu Bang then said, "How many troops can you lead?" Han Xin said, "The more troops I lead, the better." This reflected Han Xin's confidence.

Han Xin had a wonderful life. He could go against the trend, endure humiliation, adhere to his ideals, and finally achieve great things in the world of chaos. But when the world was set, he could not adjust himself to be diligent and aware of the changes of the times, nor could he always cherish the valuable friendship brought about by hard entrepreneurship. His indecision and selfishness at the moment would ruin Bai Ji's future on the spot. For a capable hero, no matter how bad the environment is, it is not enough to defeat him. On the contrary, it is a great opportunity for the situation to create heroes. But we must remember that the day of peace is the most dangerous situation for heroes, and the peaceful golden age is an active stage for "political figures". Heroes should consider the situation, find their own value, adhere to the way of advance and retreat, and understand the truth of "getting the world at once, but not governing the world at once". If Han Xin knew that things had turned, he insisted that "heroes do something, but don't do something" If you don't want to die, you can at least compete with Liu Bang. I'm afraid that history has been rewritten.

The official history of Han Xin, the Duke of Huaiyin, showed the solemn and stirring history of his life. In the historical decisive battle between Chu and Han, it was Han Xin, the Hou of Huaiyin, who was able to dominate the world, manoeuvre and decide the winner. However, it was this great general who had an ill fated and rough life and was almost drowned and swallowed by the tide of history. Not to mention that "at the beginning, when I was a cloth clother, I was poor and had no business, and I could not choose to be an official; I could not govern the business people", and suffered "humiliation from my crotch, and many people were tired of it". Even at the beginning of the death of Chu and the return of Han, I failed to show my skills, and my fame was low, I did nothing, and even ran away again disappointed. Xiao He's pursuit of Han Xin in the next month was staged.

Su Shi has no corner. He is a late bloomer. He wants to make a great sound. Elephants can live without any loss

A cup of tea is leisurely. A song of Guangling, indifferent. In the dense room of slight bitterness, what lingers is the calm back: coarse cloth and linen clothes can not cover up the romance of Confucian scholars; The bones are even, but they reveal the purity of a child; The world of mortals turns around, and also hides and officials want to forget how to forget; Wandering for half a lifetime, the king and his officials will never grow old.

Dongpo, a legend of a thousand years. It seems that there is a kind of inborn temperament in him, which makes people want to get close to him, know him and understand him from the forbidden place. However, it always keeps an unattainable distance from the crowd. Even if it can be infinitely close, it is only close. We never really saw through Dongpo - not that we didn't want to, but that we couldn't.

In his Biography of Su Dongpo, Mr. Lin Yutang wrote:

"People like Su Dongpo can't be different from each other. ... We can't help but say that Su Dongpo is an unyielding optimist, a compassionate moralist, a good friend of the people, a prose writer, a painter of the new school, a great calligrapher, a wine making experimenter, an engineer, an opponent of hypocrisy, a yogi practitioner, a Buddhist, a scholar bureaucrat, and the emperor's secretary, He is a drinking addict, a kind-hearted judge, a political maverick, a moonwalker, a poet, and a joker by nature Su Dongpo's character is deep, broad, witty, highly intelligent, and childlike. As Jesus said, he has the wisdom of snakes and the gentleness of doves. "

In his life, Dongpo always wandered between joining the world (Confucianism), being born (Taoism) and leaving the world (Buddhism). Those contradictions that were originally cut and managed in a disorderly way let him deduce a natural meaning. From the denial of life in Buddhism, the face up to life in Confucianism, and the simplification of life in Taoism, Dongpo has produced his mixed outlook on life in his spiritual insight:

"The longest life is only 36000 days, but that is long enough; even if the elixir of immortality that he pursues is in vain, every moment of life, as long as it continues, will be beautiful and gratifying. Although his body will die, his spirit will become a star in the sky and a river on the earth in the next life, which can shine, nourish and nourish all living things. In this life, he is just a particle of eternity appearing in an instant. As for which particle is it, what matters? So life is immortal and beautiful after all, so he enjoys life to the fullest. "

The tea is green and the water is clear. What haunts my ears is the long gone song:

Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves through the forest. Why don't you sing and walk slowly. Bamboo sticks and sandals are lighter than horses. Who is afraid? No matter how long it takes to live.

The chilly spring wind wakes you up, slightly cold. The hilltop shines obliquely but faces each other. Looking back always bleak place, go back, there is no rain or sunshine.

It is so far away and so close, as if the plum trees are blooming with snow. It is light but thick. Light and strong, only for the subtle fragrance. If there seems to be nothing, so light; It can't go away, so it's thick. However, both light and thick are lost in nothingness - cold plum like snow, frozen snow like plum. Between heaven and earth, just a vast expanse of white, vicissitudes, but no trace.

Then we understand what is "invisible elephant" and what is "big voice and sound".

Sima Qian's tenacity and tenacity

1. When you sit alone in the wet prison, waiting for the final decision. You, a small historiographer, do not have much family property. In the face of such a prison disaster, you can only make a humiliating choice... Who knows the pain and frustration rolling in your heart at that moment, and who can realize the humiliation and tears rolling in your heart? If time could go back, I would like to hold your hand. I want to tell you one thing: in the hearts of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, you, Sima Qian, are a great hero! With your emaciated body, you have forged the eternal soul in the hearts of the Chinese people - humiliation has not destroyed a person's personality, but has achieved his extraordinary greatness!

2. Rigidity and tenacity. In the face of cruel punishment and public ridicule, he did not yield, and he still stood on the peak of history. "When studying the world and human beings, we should learn from the changes of the past and present, and become a family member". We should be upright, and keep it as a good spirit to fill the universe; Resentment, sorrow and indignation, which is written in a letter, reflect the world. It was the awe inspiring righteousness of Tai Shigong that made him stand on the peak of life and shout: "Death is inherent in human beings, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather."

3. The smiling face is confident and strong, soft and unyielding, calm and unrestrained to cope with changes. No wonder, a "historian's swan song, unromantic Lisao" has finally made you a great man who turned humiliation into strength and contempt into fighting spirit with a smiling face, and "became the voice of a family through the changes of the past and the present". See brave men under capital punishment. Because of the Records of the Historian, you left the world the greatest wealth; Because of the smiling face, you left us forever revered.

Having lived in such a dangerous environment and endured the ridicule and inner pain of the world, Tai Shi Gong wrote history with his own unique magic pen, and with a firm heart and integrity, and wrote about the vicissitudes of the past two thousand years. Therefore, his name was recorded in the annals of history together with his immortal works, and his face with two clear tears was also precipitated in the long river of history with his spirit, leaving behind the brilliant evaluation of him by later generations: upright, upright, upright, upright, upright, angry, and writing a letter that reflects the world.

Zhuang Zi's free and easy wise man

Life and rest is a kind of detachment, a kind of nature. It is not only a rest, but also the freedom and rest of the soul. Just like the river on the plain, it is a peaceful walk through the dust. The withered and yellow Zhuang Zhou, who fished in the Han River, disappeared in the sunset. I saw that his heart was as clear as the lake in autumn. In the depths of those long years, the great philosopher in the distance spent his life in exchange for spiritual liberation in the mountains and rivers. So I began to understand that life is not a simple rest on the road, but a supreme realm.

"The water hits three thousand li, and the people who reach the top are ninety thousand li, and those who go fishing in June are also." - Chuang Tzu, who is fishing with a rod, was advised to become an official in the world, but he ignored it; His lonely and proud mind could not enter the turbid career. He was out of the world, detached from the world, disregarding the phase of Chu State, and jumped out of the mundane world of turbid and filthy air; He went into it again and became an independent tree guarding the moon in the breeze, holding the pure virtue and "enjoying" the carefree life. Chuang Tzu's life was full of vigor and vitality. He faces a pool of clear water and backs to fame and wealth. His heart is as clear and clean as the stream flowing around him. His detached attitude doomed him to be out of official career, but it was his harmonious attitude of "going in and out" that led to his carefree life and left him with such wanton chapters as "water hitting three thousand li, rising to the top nine thousand li".

Li Qingzhao

As the river goes eastward, all the waves run together, and all the heroes of the ages are gone;

When the new spring comes, all the flowers are in full bloom

Be proud of the plum blossom

Stir fried Begonia

The pond is full of leftover leaves and duckweeds

The only clear water lotus

You are a talented woman of yesterday, and I'm afraid you belong to today. Because of countless feelings, you are always tired of combing your hair. Unexpectedly, you, Madam Xiang, who is near the water in autumn, sometimes have a look of a mountain ghost

What kind of dreams did the west wind eight hundred years ago roll up?

You were tender like water, carrying a sweet nest like a dream but not a dream. The clear and coquettish laughter, wrapped with a strong fragrance of books, drifted through today.

A boy named Xin You'an said he was worried, and a girl named Li Yi'an said he was worried. There were also two poets named Li who sighed at the flow of water: he sang "A river flows eastward", and you chanted "Can't carry it, many worries".

Who made you a talented woman? You finally have your depression. Only the heart that always drips blood is the palace of poetry.

When you wake up from a leisurely dream, the bags you take away are "Joy Forever" and "Drunken Flower Yin". The heartbreak that did not stop, sang the bloody elegy "Slow voice".

Where is the old Gaotang swing rope? It can no longer continue the empty Wushan dream. It is sad and miserable. What flies south sadly is your only shadow. Who can look like you and find the graceful and eternal seats in the world of poetry.

One autumn, I saw a painting about you. The beautiful and pure northern body painted all the elegance and poetry a woman can have

Another autumn, I read another painting about you. The painter painted you as a lively mountain ghost, healthy and refined. The infinite vitality of a talented woman, wandering in the modern and ancient times, has both yesterday and today.

You really shouldn't be alone, like the cold moon on a cold night "Pretty red face" is not a portrayal of a talented woman. Your murmur is more than the nagging of all living beings; You let the world of mortals search for the hero's tears and cut the man's waist with a roar.

There are countless beauties in the world. How many people have lost their lives?

Since Qingzhao, how many times have the peonies in Heze opened? It's the misty autumn again. See a woman, but you thousands of years ago?

Is today's talented woman coming from yesterday?

Use the silk brush in your hand to lift the bamboo curtain in front of you, lift the hazy night fog, and watch the waning moon bend into beautiful words.

Grasp the clear, beautiful and clear spring rhyme, and make it rise and fall in the heart. Listen to your own sigh, splashing the eternal sun and moon; Let those who look back in amazement vaguely see the woman wearing a plain skirt and holding a red umbrella standing in the light rain chanting

How many modern people's emotions have been dampened by the chapters expressing feelings in that Que Que!

The sound of rain is like the sound of ancient zither in the past. The twilight will dye the sky into a wonderful ink painting. The color is neither thick nor light. A touch of vastness and remoteness will gradually increase and fade away.

The parasol trees also have drizzle, which drizzles in the dusk. A thousand years ago, did there ever be the same night when the woman sitting alone leaning against the window and feeling sad about the shadow, and the chilly wind and cold rain in late autumn shook the ground with chrysanthemums? The evening rain still blurs the hurried time, but it is only a flash, but it has been separated for thousands of years.