Reflective composition after the sixth grade midterm exam
The night wind comes
2022-10-29 00:04:26
Grade 6
topic of conversation

I should reflect on my grasp of exam skills. Every time I take an exam, I always find that some students lack certain exam skills. For example, I feel that the exam time is not enough, the handwriting is illegible, and even I can't see clearly; Write wrong question number; Some students even blazed a new trail, starting from the last question and so on. As the basic knowledge of the exam, the habits of easy before difficult, standardized writing, and reasonable allocation of time should be exercised in ordinary unit tests. How to deal with wrong questions. The questions in the test paper should be carefully classified, and the mistakes should not be simply classified as careless. Each lost point is classified according to the following reasons: carelessness, lax examination, unclear concept, poor basic skills, insufficient time, incomplete process, poor ability, etc. After careful analysis, you will find your real weakness and find the next direction of effort.

You should also reflect on your examination mentality. At the end of each exam, some students always said that they were too nervous to play well. This is the question of exam mentality. Among them, there are those who are eager to show themselves, so that their eyes are high and their hands are low; Not doing enough review as required by the teacher, afraid of the exam. Without a good attitude, you can't play at a normal level. Exam too much emphasis on scores, ranking, will undoubtedly increase tension, affect the effect of the exam.

1. Learn from failure

The test paper we have done is an excellent material for us to improve our academic performance and increase our knowledge. He can tell us at least two kinds of information; One can prove how much we really know, and the other can show what we don't know. So when we get the test paper, we sit down and study it carefully instead of counting the scores on the test paper. For those questions that we made mistakes, we should analyze the reasons for the mistakes. Is the answer incomplete, is it careless, or is it because we have no grasp of this aspect. Then understand the wrong questions, correct them, write complete and correct answers, and learn from the mistakes. In this way, you may have unexpected gains. In addition, make improvement measures according to the reasons for your mistakes. When problems are found, corresponding improvement measures should be formulated in a targeted manner. Never "summarize, put aside, learn later, and still remain unchanged."

2. Learn from success

That is to say, we should also analyze the right questions, why they are right, and whether there are other better solutions. Through this rarely used learning method, you will have a deeper understanding of what you have learned before.

3. Analyze the test paper comprehensively

Through the analysis of the test paper, you can check which types of questions you have done well and which have not done well, such as definition, discussion, analysis, etc. We should also check to see whether these topics are based on lectures, textbooks, extracurricular reading or discussions. Using this information can help you get better grades in the exam of this course in the future. In addition, judge which of your previous learning methods and examination skills are effective and which are ineffective. From this point on, change your poor learning methods and exam taking skills.

There must be a way to succeed, and there must be a reason for failure. Take a fall and gain wisdom. It is important to summarize and reflect after the exam, but more important is to find a new starting point. With a good mood and a calm mind, I will devote myself to the next round of learning and believe that as long as I pay, I will be rewarded. With a new starting point, we must move forward and strive for a new goal. Some students are very motivated after the exam. Today, they made a lot of review plans and made a lot of decisions, but after a few days, they will be the same as before. So please use perseverance to keep learning. If you keep learning like before and do not make changes, the next exam will be a failure. Just like 0, you don't draw a 1 hour in front, 0 or 0, So please find a starting point, develop your strengths and make up for your weaknesses, and study hard. May your efforts be fruitful.