Writing in Senior Three
Happy people
2022-10-26 06:47:16
third year in high school

Shuttle in the vast crowd, a faint smile is tolerance; A gentle apology is tolerance; "Don't do what you don't want to do to others" is also tolerance.

Victor is a master of French literature in the 19th century. Hugo once said: "The widest thing in the world is the sea, the sky is wider than the sea, and the human mind is wider than the sky.". Hugo's words let us know that tolerance is a broad mind.

Tolerance can change others. It is said that there was an old Buddhist monk in ancient times who found a young monk walking over the wall at night, violating the temple rules. Without saying a word, the old Buddhist monk went to the wall and squatted down on the spot. After a while, the little monk climbed over the wall and jumped into the yard on the old Buddhist monk's back in the dark. When he stood up, he realized that he had just stepped on his master. The little monk suddenly panicked and tongue tied. However, to the little monk's surprise, the master did not scold him, but said in a calm voice: "It's cold at night. Go to dress more." The old Buddhist monk tolerated his disciples. He knew that tolerance was a silent education, more powerful than reprimand and criticism. Since then, the little monk has never violated the regulations of the temple.

Only tolerance can make you a success. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Huan of Qi and his younger brother fought for the throne. Guan Zhong helped Duke Huan's younger brother. During the war between the two sides, Guan Zhong once shot an arrow into the hook on Duke Huan's belt and nearly died. Later, Duke Huan of Qi captured Guan Zhong. Duke Huan of Qi was a tolerant man. He did not remember to fight personal hatred. He adopted and put Guan Zhong in high position, and appointed him prime minister. After Guan Zhong became prime minister, he helped Duke Huan of Qi become the first tyrant in the Spring and Autumn Period.

In daily life, if someone speaks ill of you behind your back, do you want revenge or tolerance? When your close friend unintentionally or intentionally does something that makes you sad, do you break up with him or tolerate him? I believe you have the right answer.

Tolerance is not a sign of weakness. As long as it is not a matter of principle, we might as well step back and turn hostility into friendship. Therefore, tolerance is a good life, and tolerance is a state that needs practice and practice.