Composition for the Prediction of the Second Edition Entrance Examination
Go to the seaside together
2022-11-02 01:47:01
Senior High School Entrance Examination

Life needs tolerance

Tolerance can warm the hearts of others with love and sincerity, and help us to be a kind and generous person.

Once, I saw a fable in a book: it said that there was a person riding a fine horse, and another person riding an ordinary horse walked together. An ordinary horse somehow bit the horse. The horse bled a lot, but it could walk as if nothing had happened. It didn't bite with an ordinary horse. Later, when ordinary horses came home, they did not eat grass or drink water, and they were trembling all over. When the owner of the steed knew it, he said: "He may feel ashamed because he bit the steed. It would be better to lead it to let them understand each other. This is just a small story, but it reveals the basic meaning of tolerance.

On the road of life, what happens between people is not just a simple thing between horses. Fighting in school is basically caused by a small thing. In the moral, the steed did not fight back ordinary horses in the same way, but wisely chose tolerance, and finally they were as good as before. On the contrary, if the steed and the ordinary horse bite together, then the result may be that the head hits the blood and both will lose. But we are different from horses. We can reach a level that the motor cannot reach. In this case, why can't we understand and tolerate others more?

Tolerance also means the handling of daily life events without caring about personal mistakes. Since ancient times, no one with a narrow mind can achieve great things. Tolerance should be the principle everyone follows. With a tolerant heart, people can enter a state of refreshing spirit and have an optimistic life.

Andrew Matthews once said: "A man's heel crushed the violet, but it left the fragrance on his heel." This is tolerance. Let's say goodbye to narrow-minded heart, tolerate everything with tolerance, and learn to be the fragrant violet.