A 800 word model essay for growth composition
Jungle red maple
2022-10-29 05:24:53
Junior three
Argumentative paper

People often experience "the first time". The first time is the beginning of a thing. If it succeeds, it will be good. Keep going. It doesn't matter if you fail. Learn from experience and start again. I remember cooking for the first time.

In the fourth grade, when I saw adults busy in and out of the kitchen, my heart itched. How could I lose to my parents after 1990? So I cooked a meal by myself in the summer vacation.

First, I prepared the materials: beef, tomato, egg, cucumber, tofu, etc. First, make simple, scrambled eggs with tomatoes. First pour the oil, and then put the vegetables when the oil is hot. But I don't know when the oil is hot. I can't wait a little longer. Five minutes later, I want to put the tomatoes and eggs together. Because the oil was too hot, just put a piece or two of tomatoes, the pot did not obey the command, only to see a big mushroom cloud burst out of the pot, the whole room was full of smoke. I was very afraid of the fire in the room, so I immediately turned off the fire, which was the only way to control the situation.

It seems that I still have to ask my mother for advice. My mother told me: you can put scallions on the oil to test the heat of the oil. A moment after the oil bubbles, when the scallions have not changed color, you need to put the prepared eggs. After the eggs are scrambled to form, you can put tomatoes, a moment later add a little salt, and then you can mix them well and then out of the pot. My mother also told me that eggs and tomatoes can be fried separately. First, scramble the eggs out of the pot, then scramble the tomatoes, and finally pour the scrambled eggs into the pot to mix with tomatoes. This is more fresh, and with a little sugar, it tastes different.

So I poured out the oil and made Zhang's scrambled eggs with tomato, which was half paste but not paste, according to the first method my mother said. The food behind is even worse. The beef salad is too salty to eat, the bean curd cooked with scallions has become dry fried with scallions, and the spinach noodle balls have become a mess of stew.

The first cooking was a failure, not as delicious as my mother did, but my mother praised me and instructed me how to do well and what to pay attention to, which benefited me a lot.

People always experience the first time. It doesn't matter whether failure or success. As long as you are brave and willing to innovate, I think it is a kind of success. Let's face the first time with this attitude, I believe we will succeed!