Daydream in moonlight
Cherry tree budding
2022-10-26 07:31:42
Junior three

A new moon rose from the treetop to the sky like a disc. The bright moonlight shines through the shade of the trees, which is as beautiful as silver.

I walked in the moonlight, strolling in the garden path. The wind sings softly, and the soft moonlight reproduces Sushi's open-minded mind in those days. The moonlight is so wonderful in his heart. Is the silver moonlight enlightening us to be open-minded? He didn't say, 'I don't know the palace in the sky. What year is it now and what year was it?' Is it also a hint that time is fleeting and we should cherish it?

The moon seems to be more round. Will the wandering people who are in different places also have a touch of nostalgia when they see the watery moonlight? Maybe there will be a feeling of 'raising your head to look at the moon and thinking about your hometown'‘ I send my heart of sorrow and the bright moon, with the wind until the Yelang West 'is the sorrow of homesickness. How wonderful it is to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes with your family on the Mid Autumn Festival. What a beautiful picture of full moon and full flower. Is the moon telling us to cherish the time of reunion?

The moonlight seems to be fading. Why is half of it missing? Is it blocked by dark clouds? But why is the moonlight still so calm and why is it not angry? If people block its beauty, shouldn't it retaliate viciously? But it is telling‘ Tolerance is beauty. ' Is it saying that people should learn tolerance?

The moon comes out again, still so bright, is it telling people to be flexible?

I continued to walk on the road, looked up at the moon, why? The moon is gone‘ People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs. Su Shi also said that there is no perfect thing in the world, and the moon should also follow the laws of nature. I think this is another revelation of the moon to us.

Moonlight is like water. It is the embodiment of beauty. I learned a lot from it. Moonlight walks with me