2022 Beijing Volume "Learning Today" College Entrance Examination Composition
Lotus Picking in Jiangnan
2022-11-02 01:44:00
college entrance examination

As the ancients said, "learning is impossible", which means that learning has no end. It has always been a fine tradition of the Chinese nation to attach importance to learning. The ancients left us many famous lines: there is a golden house in books, and there is a beauty in books; It is also true that learning and learning at the same time; Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles; It is erudite and modern, and rich in learning. When we travel, we often see the statue of Confucius. Many parents and their children compete to worship him, so that their children can get good grades and enter their favorite schools.

People in different times have different learning experiences and different views on learning, such as me and my grandfather.

My grandfather was born in 1950. Since he remembered, he has taught me to study hard and cherish the great time now. He often shares with me stories of his learning when he was young. In the 1960s, he responded to the call to open up wasteland and cultivate land in the mountains in southeast Hubei, but often he didn't have much work to do, which was extremely boring. He passed the time by reading the Xinhua Dictionary every day, again and again. I asked him why he didn't read other more interesting books, and he said: There is nothing at all.

At that time, he could only exchange books with his roommates. If anyone has a new book, especially a novel, it is definitely in demand. Many people are willing to please him and make friends with him. Books were absolutely scarce in that era, and reading and learning was an extremely luxurious thing. He has no culture and little study, so his grandfather can only stick to his hometown in the countryside and be a farmer all his life.

Today, my grandfather, who is still in his rarefied years, likes to deal with cultural people in the village, communicate with college students, play chess with them, and discuss topics such as rural revitalization and population aging. Of course, I know that grandpa's biggest worry in his life was that he didn't have the opportunity to study or go to college.

As time goes by, the learning environment has changed dramatically, which is totally different from the past.

Taking my city Guangzhou as an example, Guangzhou is building a learning city, which provides sufficient learning space and good learning atmosphere for the general public. In addition to school and extracurricular activities, I go to various libraries, museums and exhibition halls on weekends. I can learn a lot of knowledge and learn a lot of information that I cannot learn in class. Not only that, I also subscribe to some online learning platforms from the iPad, and I will go there when I am free.

In order to expand my mastery and familiarity with hot topics and improve my analytical ability of social phenomena, my father often shares some surging and middle-aged comments with me, which is very beneficial for me to accumulate materials, analyze problems and improve my writing skills.

In the past ten years, I have taken part in study tours in summer and winter vacations. I have successively visited Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Qinghai, Ningxia, Tibet, Xinjiang and other places. Everywhere I went, I learned a lot of knowledge and wisdom that I could not learn in big cities, and deeply felt the cultural diversity of China. These valuable experiences and experiences have broadened my vision and horizon, It has enhanced my understanding and understanding of the countryside and the nation.

At the same time, I also feel that there are some bad signs in the current learning atmosphere. For example, some children only pay attention to the study of book knowledge, ignore the things outside the window, and concentrate on reading only the books of sages and sages. Their only purpose is to get high marks; Some parents only attach importance to children's learning of culture lessons, while ignoring or depriving children of learning other knowledge and nutrition.

I can't agree with this. I think that real learning should be all sided and comprehensive. The content of learning is not only book knowledge, but also various social knowledge and practical knowledge; The purpose of learning is not just to cope with examinations, but should be everyone's lifelong habit. Learning can enrich and enrich our life and enhance our ability to understand, explore and transform the world.