Ye's composition for the third day of junior high
Spring wind
2022-10-31 05:47:18
Junior three

In the ordinary study, work and life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be familiar with it. Composition requires a complete text structure and must avoid the appearance of open-ended composition. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is Ye's composition in the third day of junior high, which is arranged by Xiao Bian for everyone. It is for reference only. Let's have a look.

The song said, "A grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself, a grateful heart. I will cherish flowers as well as flowers." Thanksgiving is a topic we often talk about. We are grateful to our fate, parents, teachers and even strangers.

Each butterfly still looks back affectionately after sucking the essence of flowers, each floating cloud still watches helplessly after watching the breeze go away, each grown up child still longs to nestle in his mother's arms, and each green leaf still burns his love for roots after drifting away with the water. Just because of two words: gratitude.

I am a warm leaf, a happy leaf, and you are the root of my happy life. You always look up to me quietly and calmly. In the distance, there are greetings and sincere encouragement from you. Do you remember that on a cold winter night, I always like to climb into your warm quilt, and my cold feet reach into your thighs. What a warm and happy feeling it is.

I am a green leaf loving home, happy green leaf, and you are the source of my happiness, because in the distance, you miss me, that is my warm home. You use your dry hands like roots to hold up a happy sky for me, while all the suffering is buried underground. Do you remember that when you were a child, you always liked to take my little hand to climb the stairs, and you always cheered me on in front of me. That figure was so kind. But now that I'm grown up, every time you run the stairs, you always complain about how the stairs are always too high to reach the end. After listening to this, my heart is sour, and the traces of years have been engraved on your body.

Ah, I suddenly found that your temples have turned white and your waist is more bent. In fact, the stairs are not getting higher. It is time that takes away my childhood and brings about your aging. When I grew up, I started boarding at school. I wanted to go home and miss you at home. I'm worried that you will not tell me when you climb the stairs to your waist; I was worried that you were still busy working in the fields when you were sick. I said "Are you used to living in school? I often go home after the holidays. I was too stressed." I was already tearful when I said that. Ah, Ye Er, who loves home, cried. I often go home to see you after holidays. Grandma, please forgive me for my failure. Would you please forgive me for my failure? Dear grandma, please don't worry about me. I have grown up and know how to take care of myself, OK? You are old. Let us young people be more filial to you. okay?

How I wish I was a green leaf, lying quietly in your dry palm, let you know that I miss you. Ah. I want to be a confident leaf, and have the most pious attitude to shout "Grandma, I am grateful to you, I love you."