600 words in the composition for the third day of the Hundred Day Oath
Stepping on flowers and touring the lake
2022-10-29 01:27:50
Junior three

Time passed like a fleeting flash. It seemed that yesterday we just entered the third year of senior high school. In a twinkling of an eye, the middle school entrance exam was only 100 days away from us. What does a hundred days mean? It's three months and eight days, fourteen weeks and two days. It's just the distance of five monthly exams. There is no time to delay. After more than ten years of marathon study, we finally reached the decisive stage. The only thing we can do is to work hard. Yes, work hard, not try hard. Try your best just to finish the task. And desperate, it comes from your deep desire for success, from a feeling, a strong sense of mission for which you are born. The high school entrance examination is a road of struggle, a road of glory. The cowardly and lazy will never go far on this road. Only the desperate are the forever travelers on this road. The tamped footprints behind him are the testimony of his efforts.

Maybe, some people will think that a hundred days is too short to make a difference. But I want to say that half of the people who travel a hundred miles are 90. We have been studying hard for more than ten years. Today, we have only gone halfway. The remaining half is our last hundred days, the hundred days that decide the outcome! A hundred days is very short, but as long as we abandon distractions and seize the moment, we can still reap a lot in a hundred days, and a hundred days can also create miracles. It takes a thousand days to raise troops, but it takes a while to use them. Students, let's take up arms, grit our teeth, break through the fire, and fight against each other. Even in the face of difficulties and dangers, we should also be vigorous and stirring. Let our youth sing in the face of trembling difficulties, in the face of poetic years, and in the face of colorful dreams. We will embark on the final journey before the high school entrance exam with a calm smile; Let the dream of flying spread its wings in June, and let ambition and wisdom shine in June! Ten years to sharpen a sword, today to test the edge. Some people say that the high school entrance examination is a wall of life, a torrent across the years, across which life will be brilliant. Let's seize the throat of destiny with hard work, sow hope in life with sweat, embrace the sunshine in midsummer with confidence, and forget about tension, anxiety, fear, anxiety and disappointment. Now that we have chosen the high school entrance exam, and chosen a battlefield that is more cruel than war, we can only fight with blood, not only for the high school entrance exam, but also for our parents, For our dreams.

The high school dream is the starting point of our life dream. For this dream, mountains can move and the ground can shake, but our will cannot be shaken and our perseverance cannot be changed. We should use our hands to weave a colorful pattern for our ordinary life. One hundred days, we will strive for one hundred days with the greatest enthusiasm and in the best condition. We are not going to do our best in these 100 days, we will go all out. We will use 100 days to explain the challenge to the limit, and we will use 100 days to carve out youth without regret!

Students! The bright future lies ahead. We should let youth burn and life shine. Let's gather in the red and brilliant June to share our joy, joy and glory!