Recommend a book with excellent composition
go to all lengths
2022-10-30 00:59:42

I came across a good book by accident. Why is it good? Because it is touching and close to our lives.

The title of this good book is (that is) The School Life of the Silly Wolf. I like this book because the hero of the book, Silly Wolf, is lively and stupid, and often does many stupid things

Stupid Wolf's classmates include smart rabbit, brown bear, obedient sheep, small raccoon, naughty monkey, red rooster, and small fox. Among them, the one who likes to bully the main character is brown bear, who is so powerful that everyone is afraid of it.

Once, Brown Little Bear was not pleased with the stupid wolf, so he picked up the scissors, took advantage of the stupid wolf's inattention, picked up the schoolbag and cut it, so that everything in the schoolbag fell on the road, causing the stupid wolf to be scolded by his father and mother. But then the mother of the stupid wolf also found out why the stupid wolf lost all his school supplies, and instead bought new school supplies for the stupid wolf. Brown Little Bear knew about this, He was so angry that he burst into a rage, and then he cried loudly, so that the whole building could hear him.

After reading this book, the stupid wolf left a deep impression on me. I think that being stupid and cute is the most memorable image for readers. I thought: "The author must have spent a lot of thought when writing this book. He must be expressing that he wants to be a good person for others. Although he is stupid, he will be very popular if he is kind hearted."

In life, my family also has people like Silly Wolf. Her name is Shi Yinyin, and she is my sister. He (she) is very clumsy all day long, and often her (even) things are stolen by classmates. Instead of (knowing) being angry, she still plays with classmates as before. At home, as long as she is asked to do one thing, she will (also) forget that once her mother went out, and her mother told her sister to remember to turn off the gas in four minutes. (But) Before long, my sister had forgotten. Fortunately, I smelled the burning smell and hurried to turn off the gas. If I wasn't there (otherwise), my sister might have bad luck! But my sister also has a lovely and kind-hearted side. When you are unhappy, he or she will change tricks to make you laugh, so we also call your sister our "joy fruit".

Children, do you also have the experience of stupid wolves? Has "School Life of stupid wolves" aroused your curiosity? What are you waiting for? Action is better than heart beating! Hurry up and buy the book I recommend.