Guangjunsan Narrative 600 words
Happy Family
2022-10-28 02:23:47
Junior three

What does a touch of sunshine bring? Is it warmth, happiness and hope? The sunshine in my heart is my Chinese teacher, Mr. Yao.

She is sometimes serious, sometimes gentle, and sometimes childish. The most unforgettable thing for me is her nimble eyes, which are like a spring flowing slowly through my heart.

She worked tirelessly from grade one to grade five. I still remember one time when I failed in a Chinese test. I thought she would criticize me severely, but I didn't want her to ask me to go to her office quietly when she handed out the paper. After class, I took my examination paper and knocked on the door of the office with a feeling of uneasiness. Mr. Yao sat at his desk. When he saw me coming, he sorted out the books on the desk and kindly asked me to sit down. But I was very nervous. It seemed that a deer was jumping in my heart. The hand holding the test paper was also sweating. His eyes were fixed on the ground, and he dared not look up at the teacher. She seemed to see my prudence and casually put her hand on my shoulder, as if we were good sisters. My heart relaxed a little. She took a sip of water and said, "Although you didn't do well in the exam this time, the teacher believes that you have strength, and you won't let the teacher down, right?" I listened to this and looked at her with some disbelief. She smiled with anticipation and trust in her eyes... It seemed to give me great confidence, like a ray of sunshine, shining into my cool heart, making it slowly recover Healing...... I clenched my fist and nodded forcefully. "OK, let's study the test paper together to see why it is wrong, OK?" I nodded.

Her red pen marks and explanations were left on the test paper. But this imprint not only remained on the test paper, but also branded a deep imprint on my heart. Since then, I have never been discouraged or proud, no matter whether it is failure or success. It is the look of trust that gives me strength and urges me to move forward, move forward, move forward! It was a bright sunshine that shone straight into my heart. Teacher Yao's encouraging words, eyes and actions were engraved in my heart

The bright sunshine is the beautiful teacher; That touch of gentle sunshine, lit up my heart; That touch of warm sunshine warms me and illuminates me

I go farther and farther in the sun