Composition in Grade Three
No one is strong for you
2022-10-27 01:48:19
Junior three

After junior high school, I moved back to the old house where I lived as a child, which is closer to the school.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the community is a remote and quiet place. Although the house is a bit shabby, the courtyard has a special charm. Maybe it is because of the long history. The trees here are dense and the vegetation is rich. The cicadas sing and the birds sing one after another. It is quiet and quiet.

Weekend and old friends, playing in the yard. After jumping for a while, I suddenly remembered the big ant next to the old tree. So he called on his friends to move stones together to find ants. We rushed to the old locust tree in the southwest corner of the courtyard. Squat down and carefully move away the rubble, and sure enough, the big ant is hiding underneath. A lot of them were in a panic. "Get the rope, get the rope," I shouted. Er Ya turned over a piece of glass wire rope for packaging from the nearby trash can. I took it over, separated the glass wire into thin strands, and then tied a loose knot at one end. Then she squatted down and put one on the ant's small neck. That ant is really big. It seems to be the size of a bee. Its belly is bulging and shiny. I caught it, and it couldn't move. I connected another piece of rope, and then I proudly led the ant to walk around. Others walked the dog and I walked the ants. My friends began to follow my example. It was a joy to play. Later, we used similar methods to play with grasshoppers after autumn, even passing bees.

Soon, winter came. The insects hid their tracks, and there was no life in the yard. However, God always loves us children. Then a heavy snowfall came. It was sunny after the snow. We happily built a snowman in the yard.

Pick up the coal and make it's eyes, black and shiny; Peeled her mother's carrot, and pressed her nose, which was sharp and naive; Find out the doll's hat at home and put it on. The little snowman immediately becomes playful. Its red lips are made of my favorite plasticine. The bow on its neck is on the skirt I wore when I was a child. A little snowman that we carefully made squatted under the big locust tree.

It was winter vacation at that time. During the day, we circled around the little snowman, holding hands, and surrounded the little snowman to protect it. When the night came to an end, I had to say goodbye to the little snowman. In my dream, I also dreamed that the little snowman suddenly blinked his big eyes and moved up, dancing and singing with us.

The weather is getting warmer and warmer day by day, and the little snowman begins to haggard and lose weight. The white clothes also began to become dirty and hard. One day, its head collapsed, and it was lying there in a powerless struggle. I was very sad and desperately tried to lift its neck. But the more this happened, the faster it disappeared. Finally, on a sunny afternoon, the little snowman became a pile of things that could no longer see the shape. The old man who cleaned the yard shoveled it into the dustbin with a shovel.

The place where the snowman sits is a pool of water stains. After a few sunny days, there will be no trace. Somehow, my heart is blocked, as if something is going to flow out, and once it flows out, it will burst. When my mother saw that I was sad, she comforted me and said, "My child, the snowman will come back when the next winter comes." However, I understand that my snowman will never come back.

There are so many beautiful things in the world that will always be hurt and disappear. In this melancholy mood, I seem to grow up a lot at once.

Another spring has come. In front of a flower that has just opened, I lowered my body and leaned over to smell its fragrance; Walking in the morning, I saw a crystal dewdrop falling on a grass leaf. I gently raised my foot and walked around, not wanting to interrupt the dewdrop's dream. I saw a caterpillar hanging upside down between the branches and leaves of the locust tree. Beside it, a spider was carefully weaving a gossip web.

Squatting under the big tree, I thought of those ants I had led and walked. Now, where are they? I think if I can meet them, I will say sorry.