Race against Time Senior Three Composition
The right way in the world is vicissitudes
2022-11-03 01:08:37

"Hurry! Follow him, follow him and run!" This is the cry in my heart.

He persisted every day. No one ran in front of him or chased him. What was he doing? Why does he run harder and harder? Is he still running a race? My heart is full of doubts.

"Yes, he is running a race."

"Are you kidding? Who are you racing with? There can be competitors in the race. Who is crazy to be like you?"

"No! No! He is the real wise man. Time is like life, because he knows how to cherish life. He is a bit crazy, but his madness is a high level 'madness' worth learning. His competitors are all of us, but he is a strong man, not behind his rivals, and we are left behind by our rivals because we are too weak."

"Then, who is this opponent? Why don't I know!"

"This opponent is' time '. He is racing against time, which is the time to keep moving forward."

"Oh, it's amazing that tangible people race against invisible time. This is something that ordinary people can't think of."

He is a friend of mine. In the days when we were together, I felt good about myself, and suddenly found many defects in myself, which made me ashamed.

"When a monk strikes a clock every day" is my life credo. I think that in one's life, one can feel comfortable, and one does not have to put his life in a busy place. However, after I met him, I really realized that I was short-sighted, and therefore felt the emptiness of my previous life.

He is one grade higher than me and is an outstanding student in our school. I feel honored to be friends with him.

When we were together, I liked to talk about heroes. He loved to talk about famous literary works. Although we have many different hobbies, we are still very congenial. I found that in the conversation, my heart had yielded to him, mainly because I felt that he was not only an ideal giant, but also a great man in action.

I know that he is the best in our Huining No. 4 Middle School, and he has always been good at learning. And me? not worth mentioning. However, he has always felt that he has not learned enough. Every day, he competes with time in running and seizes time in time to further improve himself. And me? A pungent sour smell came to my heart.

As a sophomore in senior high school, it's not easy to catch up with your friends who are far away from you in a short time! How can we cross the waves with them when walking like us?

In order to make up for our past negligence and waste of time, we now have only one dose of good medicine. "Run, follow him! We must compete with time, fight for time, and catch up with them!"

My friends with me, we are behind! Come on! Look at our opponent - time, in order to cherish our lives, run!