Composition for the Third Day of the Mid Autumn Festival
Peach wind and apricot rain
2022-10-30 02:35:49
Junior three

The Mid Autumn Festival is a very special festival for me. It comes late in people's expectation.

I go to see the moon this evening every year, but this year the moon did not come out to pick us up, but was shy and refused to come out of the clouds. I confided to the moon: Sister Moon, why don't you come out? Do you want to see us waiting for you at the window sill? If you are sleeping, I hope you can cheer up and show your most charming side to meet us.

If you don't come out because you don't have a partner, I hope you can have a wonderful Mid Autumn Festival with us. Oh, don't forget to bring your relatives - stars, so that we can not only play hide and seek, eat moon cakes and fruits, but also take a group photo. But the moon didn't seem to hear my heart and wouldn't come out. Disappointed, I had to find some pictures of the moon on the Internet and close my eyes to Lenovo

In the dark night sky, a round disc shaped moon hung in the sky, scattering its light to the earth. At this time, a thin cloud covered the 'surface of the moon', as if covered with silver gauze, but the moonlight was still scattered in every corner of the whole community through the gauze, and the community suddenly became bright as golden rain.

I looked up at the sky, ah! There are several small stars beside the moon. These naughty elves are playing hide and seek with Sister Moon! And he winked at me from time to time, which was very interesting.

It is not enough to have the moon and stars. Look, two or three thin black clouds are coming. They are like fairies, wearing grey veils, riding the wind slowly to the side of the moon, dancing around the moon, everything looks so beautiful and elegant.

The dark night is like a picture drawn with black crayons, while the beautiful moon, lovely stars, and dark clouds are like decorations, making this ugly picture particularly eye-catching and charming. The night sky is both a painter and a magician. It is said that it is a painter because it has painted the most beautiful picture in the world, and it is said that it is a magician because it makes the most beautiful scene stop at this moment.

"Wang Xiaoman! Take a bath and sleep." My mother's crying suddenly pulled me back from my fantasy. I smiled and said yes. I thought it was special to watch the moon. Even though I didn't see the real moon, I saw the most beautiful and bright moon in the world with my heart.