2022 College Entrance Examination Leaps Over Again Full Score Composition
Forty one flowers for men
2022-11-02 02:11:52
college entrance examination

On February 4, 2006, the fourth day of the lunar new year, the beginning of spring, the quadrennial Winter Olympic Games finally arrived on schedule, which was also the first Winter Olympic Games in Chinese history. Our capital, Beijing, together with Zhangjiakou, will be the host city. Therefore, China has become the first dual Olympic city in history to hold the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. As a Young Pioneer, I am proud of my motherland and I am proud to be a Chinese descendant!

Finally, at 20:00 p.m., after watching the opening ceremony with Chinese characteristics, the mysterious curtain of the Winter Olympics was officially opened. In the Olympic event, my father's favorite is freestyle skiing, so we stayed in front of the TV early. My father told me that both Chinese athletes Gu Ailing and Yang Shuorei had participated in this event, and Gu Ailing was very powerful and had the title of "genius ski princess", so I was full of curiosity. Finally, when Gu Ailing came on the stage, she confidently stepped on the snowboard, gliding lightly, followed by a beautiful turn, and finally landed on the ground, clean and neat. After three jumps, she finally won the gold medal with the super difficulty of the last 1620 jump. At that moment, the aura of courage, power and confidence lit up. In this crystal clear ski resort, she was a real princess.

Seeing this moment, I was so excited that I danced and screamed with my father. It was so exciting.

The next few days, I peeped into my mother's circle of friends and saw many people taking pictures of skiing and snowball fights. My heart was also itching. I wanted to experience skiing for myself. But my mother didn't agree. She thought it was too dangerous and asked me to wait until I was older. But I couldn't resist my insistence and finally agreed to drive me to Siming Mountain to enjoy the snow. Although there was only a little snow left on the ground, it did not affect our excitement in any way. Grandpa and Dad were happy to help us pick up the snow on the tree. My mother and grandma, together, were in front of the car. There were five snowmen in the back, big and small.

This is really an unforgettable winter holiday. I hope I will go skiing next year to experience the feeling of skiing.