Entering Your World
For your return
2022-11-02 00:32:55
Junior three

Your world is full of spring, your world is full of birds singing and flowers fragrance, you are the most important part of my life, book.

A good book can teach us knowledge, a good book can broaden our minds, and a good book is our most loyal partner and true friend in our life. Your world is full of beauty, so let me enter your world, savor your feelings carefully, and slowly watch the pictures you left!

When you enter science fiction, there are cosmic warships and pictures from the future everywhere. All kinds of advanced goods are available. Human beings have changed their original life style. With the progress of science and technology, they are constantly advancing towards the future civilization. I cannot help but sigh that you are so advanced and perfect in science fiction.

When you walk into literature, there are poetic pictures everywhere. Unknown flowers are competing for beauty, tall trees are moving forward, birds are singing loudly, dancing butterflies are walking through, flowers are filled with fragrance, trees are shaded, and some naughty animals are also playing. I can't help sighing that you are so beautiful and fragrant in literature.

Many stories about history have appeared before my eyes. Those sad histories have hurt the hearts of hundreds of millions of Chinese people! Many people used to hate those deeds of humiliating the country, but the wind, the wind and the water took turns. With China's continuous exploration and efforts, those stories have already become history. Now China has become a developed country and is no longer afraid of foreign aggression and humiliation. I can't help but marvel at how brave you are in history.

Finally I walked into the fairy tale of you, how many familiar heroes appeared in front of me. The beautiful Snow White found her Prince Charming, and the lucky Cinderella also put on the prince's crystal shoes. How many fairy tales have a perfect ending, and how many heroes have come true! Wishes, recalling the childhood dream of a princess, it suddenly dawned on me that I was originally a princess, and the happy family was around us. My parents never compared us to princesses. I could not help sighing that you in the fairy tale are so warm and beautiful!

I have read a book and walked into your every world. Thank you for letting me understand the happiness that was always around me!