Chongqing B high school entrance exam full score composition: We walk into youth hand in hand
Happy Family
2022-10-31 00:38:25

[True question]

Choose one of the following two questions.

Requirements: ① Specific content with true feelings; ② Except poetry, the style is unlimited; ③ The number of words is about 600; ④ All real names of people, schools and places involving candidates shall be replaced with capital letters such as a, b and c; ⑤ No plagiarism.

(1) With the participation of relatives and friends, the playground, examination room, campus... are more attractive, and the dawn, sunset, spring... have a special charm. Because together, our life is more exciting.

Please complete the following topics and then write an article.

Title: Let's go hand in hand

⑵ Read the following materials, choose your own angle, draw up your own topic, and write an article.

The carpenter was walking on the mountain road with his seriously ill wife on his back. There was a little monster in the mountain beside the road. He was burying a broken puppet and cried bitterly. The carpenter tinkled and fixed the puppet. Seeing that the little monster stopped crying, he put away his tools, picked up his wife and went on his way. Suddenly, the corner of his clothes was pulled. The little monster touched his wife's pulse on tiptoe and said happily, "I know how to fix this!"


This year's high school entrance examination volume b composition adopts the form of "semi proposition composition" and "material composition". The proposition intention of both questions is to guide students to observe and think about life, examine their perception and understanding of life, as well as their emotional attitudes and values. The selection of materials and the setting of questions reflect the penetration of the socialist core value system, and the positive energy is transmitted in Chinese. This well reflects the basic concept of the "New Curriculum Standard".

"We walk in hand in hand", the topic is full of poetry, and the words in front of the topic can trigger students to look back at the scenes related to their own hand in hand, which belongs to the composition of family feeling. This question reflects the concept of "self concern" and "true expression" in the curriculum standard. Students can write with ease and spirit. But before writing, we should carefully ponder the word "hand in hand". "Hand in hand" means hand in hand. Here, it mainly means helping each other, extending a helping hand, and participating together. To write this question well, you must be good at selecting materials and have a unique perspective. Choosing materials that are different from others in family, school or social life, and materials that can reflect their unique feelings, will give readers a fresh feeling. Secondly, we should work on description and be sincere.

The second is the composition of materials. First of all, you must understand the materials and comprehensively grasp the central connotation of the materials, not just a few words. The carpenter's skill is to repair the clogs. He helped the little monster with his strengths, and the little monster can also cure the carpenter's wife. So this material can be used to help each other, be kind, be grateful, and send roses. In this way, examinees can choose the most easy to write, the best grasp, the words to say, the things to write, and the feelings to express according to their writing ability (the style of writing).


A few examinees failed to describe "hand in hand" and "walk in" well in the question of "we walk in hand in hand", which caused mistakes in examination. The second material composition, some candidates do not understand the material, do not know the overall grasp of the material.

Myth 1: rigid thinking. "Hand in hand" is only understood as hand in hand, more importantly, spiritual encouragement and comfort! It is easy for many examinees to focus their vision only on the content that everyone is familiar with and the obvious concerns, and it is difficult for them to touch the mental hand in hand of junior high school students. The second composition topic only focuses on the help of events, not on the growth of the soul!

Mistake 2: Narrow the content. Narrow content is a good way to write an open composition, but narrow thinking in writing tends to make candidates' compositions mediocre and vulgar. The most easy thing to think of in the materials of the second question is that they have been helped by someone. Many candidates control their thinking point here, and it is difficult to jump out of this circle.

[Model Text]

We walk into youth hand in hand

Hit the water in the middle stream, and the waves stop the flying boat—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Youth is a bridge, a bridge from innocence to wisdom and strength. Just as the young students are in their prime, they are full of pursuit and hard work. Let's join hands with teachers and students to feel the wonderful time of youth.

Teachers and students fight for true knowledge

The sun is splashing on the window lattice, and the math teacher is giving us dancing lessons. "The symmetry axis of a regular polygon is the vertical line of each side, and the number of sides is the number of sides!" This loud voice is full of dignity, which makes people feel as if it is an unquestionable truth. However, a spark of thought flashed in my mind: "The two diagonals of a square are also symmetry axes! All positive and even polygons have symmetry axes that overlap with the diagonals". The teacher is obviously wrong! After class, I immediately caught up with him and told him what I thought. He hesitated for a moment and said, "If you don't draw a picture, you will understand the geometry drawing! I know it well after decades of teaching!" His tone was firm, confident and earnest. One of the students said: "The teacher is a mathematician, so you should not argue with the experts as a student." The teacher smiled and stood up to leave. I was not reconciled, so I immediately showed him the strokes. The teacher raised his glasses and looked at the lines on the graph in doubt - the square really has a symmetry axis that coincides with the diagonal! He looked surprised, frowned, felt his chin, and looked at it for a long time. Finally, he stretched his eyebrows and said to me, "Oh, my teacher really made a mistake... positive even polygons and symmetry axes coincident with diagonals!" Everyone smiled knowingly.

Let's pursue knowledge and truth together with our teachers and walk into youth hand in hand!

Students cheering for the exhibition

The rain fell on the playground, but the game continued. I was standing at the starting line of the 800m race track with my rivals. When the whistle sounded, I rushed out like an arrow. Cheers are ringing in my ears, like a pine wave! Like thunder! Facing the wind, braved the rain, and strode forward, opponents flashed past one by one, and there were fewer and fewer figures in front. I temporarily took the lead as the first! 400, 300... At the last 200 meters of the sprint, an anxious voice came from the refueling crowd: "Come! Come! Right, hurry!" Yu Guangzhong, there was a dark shadow on the right side, and my competitors were almost equal to me. This was the critical moment of the final competition. "Hurry up! Hurry up!... Come on! Come on!... The cheering voice of my classmates is getting stronger and stronger, like a rapid war drum and a horn of charge. I force every cell of my own to combine with oxygen and burst out great energy. In the encouragement of my classmates, I lost my heart, died, became ruthless, surpassed my opponent, and won the championship!
