Excellent Composition of National College Entrance Examination Volume B in 2022
2022-10-30 01:42:38

It is clearly remembered that the opening ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games allowed the audience's aesthetics to break through the defense directly. From the countdown to the 24th solar term, to the water sky of the Yellow River, from the ice cube gradually broken to the crystal clear five rings of ice and snow... romantic and grand ideas make people feel fragrant.

I think this is not a deliberate decoration, but a token of strength. If there is no economic strength and scientific and technological strength, there will be no intoxicating and flowery poetry. Look at the smart venues and smart services of the 2022 Olympic Games; Let's take a look at the operation mileage of the national high-speed railway ranking first in the world; Look at the domestic GDP of 111.4 trillion yuan. In the past decade, nearly 100 million rural people in China have been lifted out of poverty, and about 180 million rural people have entered the cities. The per capita disposable income of residents has increased by nearly 80%... The number from poverty to weakness has included the efforts of the Party and the country to overcome difficulties.

As far as I am concerned, if there is no ten years of hard work, there is no carefree roc spreading its wings. Today, I express myself as an outstanding and hardworking youth; Yesterday, I had to be with many campuses at four o'clock in the morning. How can plum blossom smell sweet without a cold that cuts through the bones. I think my motherland, like me, has withstood the baptism of wind and rain.

The spirit of the Olympic Games is "faster, higher and stronger". This spirit is not only reflected in the Olympic athletes, but also in China's struggle process. It should be carried forward in our pursuit of "life and struggle". Like the 2008 Olympic Games, I was an ignorant child at that time. When I saw the elders cheering and shouting, I could feel their pride for the motherland. Yes, looking at the data on the table, it is not difficult to understand their excitement at that time: No. 1 in the gold medal list, No. 1 in the medal list; The largest steel structure stadium in the world; The first high-speed railway Beijing Tianjin inter city railway in China was opened. I think that behind the cheers and shouts is the joy of leaping. The achievements of the 2022 Olympic Games are another leap forward in history. Today, I sat in the examination room. I believe that I can give a satisfactory answer for my efforts. I believe that what greeted me was also the cheers and shouts of life. If the high school entrance exam three years ago was a small leap in my life, then this college entrance exam is my first big leap.

There is no end to life, only to struggle again. I think my motherland will achieve greater leaps with faster speed and more eye-catching achievements, realize a well-off society in an all-round way, and move towards the ideal of communism. I think I will also meet greater challenges, go out of school, enter the society, make my due contribution to the development of the motherland, and speak for my motherland. Yesterday, my country and I worked hard, striving and surpassing each other. In the future, I will shoulder the responsibility and go to the future with my dear motherland. Today, I am proud of my motherland; Tomorrow, I will be the pride of my motherland!