Reflective composition on mid-term exam
only this and nothing more
2022-10-29 01:57:52
topic of conversation

The famous saying "Failure is the mother of success" has inspired me a lot and has always encouraged me. It has become my motto.

I remember that I was in the third grade at that time. It was because my math score was good and my teacher chose me to participate in a math contest. That was my surprise and joy. After the fierce "war", I was angry and sad because I didn't rank in the list. Back home, I was disappointed to tell my parents the result of the game. My father said, "Don't be discouraged, my child. Failure is the mother of success." After listening to my father's words, I was deeply inspired. I calmed down and recalled the game. During the competition, I was afraid that I would not have enough time. This tension made my brain dull and I could not respond at the moment. I found the reason for my failure. In all kinds of examinations and competitions in the future, I always remind myself: Don't be nervous, be calm.

Driven by the famous saying that failure is the mother of success, I study harder and harder. Therefore, I won the second place in the fourth grade math contest. I am very happy. The joy of success makes me very excited. Yeah! The famous saying that failure is the mother of success is true, but it is not true that success can be achieved after failure. After failure, you should reflect carefully, find out the reason for failure, and then correct it. In this way, this "failure" will be the next "mother of success".

Although there are many failures on the road of growth, there will still be failures on the road of future life. But my motto is still "failure is the mother of success". It will always inspire me to continue to climb to the peak of growth.