2022 "__ Works" Semi topic composition for the middle school entrance examination
Happy people
2022-11-02 01:30:48

Running Works

Teenagers who yearn for a distant place, with a heart full of ideals, ride the wind of youth and rush to a distant place to attend the appointment.

Su Shi once said, "The thick silk cloth covers the horizon, and the poetry and calligraphy are in the belly.

On the runway, the teenagers are sweating and taking firm steps. Their hair rises and sweat drops fall with the wind. The sun shed some light on the boy's straight back and hair. "I have been practicing constantly to run in with time and save energy for the sprint!" The young man's feet kept alternating in running, as if arguing with time.

Our youth is constantly consumed under the coverage of the epidemic, but the darkness of the epidemic does not affect the shining light of teenagers. Teenagers tear the darkness with light, wave to the dawn, and run to the end of the sunrise. Su Bingtian is a sprint champion. He accumulates strength by practicing day and night, and is ready to go. During the race, he is a fierce tiger and has amazing speed.

The teenagers on the runway are still running. The blue sky is behind the teenagers. The shadow of the teenagers is reflected on the lawn. The white school uniforms are soaked with sweat, and the figure of the teenagers is gradually revealed. Strong muscles and strong bodies are the most beautiful appearance of youth. Near the end, the cheering sound at the runway became more and more powerful. The boy tried his best to sprint to the end, and the cheers came immediately. The red ribbon was carried away by the boy's waist, and the appearance of youth was shown by the boy's extremely incisive and smooth competition.

It was dusk again. The boy was writing on the book with his pen in the classroom. His eyes were shining brightly. The teenager didn't stop running, but ran in a different way. The teenager spent three years accumulating strength for the sprint that was about to reach the end point, used pen as a weapon, and met the challenge with nearly perfect answers.

There is no limit to suffering. Experience is buried in every reincarnation. There is no permanent end, only constant beginning. A rich and short life ignites the light in the confusion.

Teenagers have no utopia, and their hearts are clear from afar. Teenagers are more than running for their own utopia. If you live long, you will struggle hard. The light that belongs to youth is always there.

Teenagers never stop running. Running hard really works!