Full Score Composition for 2022 Voice High School Entrance Examination
Fight for face
2022-11-02 00:12:31

At night, the whole earth was shrouded in darkness. Mother turned off the light and told me to sleep. I lay quietly on the bed, listening to all kinds of sounds outside. Gradually and gradually the screaming of children, the calling of parents and the noise of cars disappeared. I think people have gone to bed.

Then, another sound appeared in the dark night, as if opening another world. Outside the window, birds chirp, frogs croak, crickets chirp, dogs bark, leaves rustle, and wind howl. I think the sound outside is a symphony, a children's song, and more importantly, a lullaby. Crickets are conductors, birds, frogs and dogs are singers, and wind and leaves are accompanists. I listened and fell asleep.

Seeing that people were sleeping, these little animals played more energetically, because now they are masters of the world. Later, when they were tired of singing, they decided to have a story telling contest. The best storyteller would become one of their stories and novelists. The bird recommends the wind first, and everyone has no objection. Feng spoke in a beautiful voice for a long time, but it was pointless and meaningless. It was a daily account. Then there are birds, frogs and leaves. They all have the same problem with the wind. Finally, it was the dog's turn to say that he was talking about God Lost the World Puzzle. Everyone listened quietly, which roughly means: One day, God accidentally dropped his world puzzle into the world and became restless, because if it was confused, the world would be confused. So he sent four angels to the world to look for it, but they haven't found it for a long time. The puzzle was picked up by a little boy, who had a good memory. He took it apart and put it together again. But then he felt bored and began to struggle. It was so bad that the United States became India, India became the United States, and China became South Korea. Suddenly, a strong country became a weak country, a weak country became a strong country, a big country became a small country, and a small country became a big country. People from big and powerful countries were all flustered when they got up in the morning and held emergency meetings to discuss countermeasures; Small and weak countries are going crazy. God saw all this and knew how great the disaster had been. The story is interesting and thrilling. Everyone agrees that the best one is the dog. The dog is very happy to become a well deserved story novelist.

I listened to the story and fell asleep. My dream is the same as the story told by the dog. At night, if you are free, I suggest you listen to them. Maybe they are telling stories!