2022 National A-volume College Entrance Examination Composition Model [Choice of Mind]
Mountains and waters always have feelings
2022-11-02 00:36:06
college entrance examination

① The personification technique endows things with human character, thoughts, feelings and actions. Personalize things to achieve a vivid effect. For example, in Zhu Ziqing's article "Spring", he wrote that spring flowers "you won't let me, I won't let you, they are all full of flowers to travel", which is a personification sentence, vividly describing the beauty of spring flowers.

② The figurative technique vividly and concisely describes things and explains the truth.

③ The exaggeration technique highlights the characteristics of people or things, reveals the essence, gives readers a distinct and strong expression of emotion, and enhances the strong impression of the article. In Ansai Waist Drum, exaggeration is used many times to describe the vigorous vitality on the Loess Plateau.

④ Symbolism places specific meanings on the things described.

⑤ The contrast technique highlights the characteristics of things or objects through comparison. For example, the article "Chameleon" expresses Ocumilov's changing attitude due to the change of dog owner's identity in a comparative way, which has a strong ironic effect.

⑥ Set off (side set off) technique and positive description. Set off the main characters with the secondary characters to show the character characteristics, thoughts, feelings, etc. For example, the description of his informal character in Mr. Fujino is to use the side contrast; But writing his rigorous work is a positive description.

⑦ Satire. Use means and methods such as metaphor and exaggeration to expose, criticize and ridicule people or things, strengthen profundity and criticism, and make the language spicy and humorous. For example, Wu Jingzi's Fan Jin Zhong Ju.

⑧ First to promote and then to suppress. First belittle and then vigorously praise the object described. The context forms a contrast and highlights the object, which has received unexpected and touching effects. For example, Lu Xun's A Chang and The Classic of Mountains and Rivers.

⑨ The front and back (echoing from the beginning to the end) make the plot complete, well structured and centered.

⑩ Setting suspense can attract readers' attention and lead to the explanation of the article.