After graduation from senior high school
Face the sun
2022-11-02 00:05:17
third year in high school

Coming here is luck and fate. Once I came to think, the autumn wind blew my clothes; I am going now. Pay attention to the scorching sun. It's very difficult to describe my feelings for her, from the beginning until now. Three years ago, after a dull July, I drifted aimlessly like a duckweed, and she took me in. I am very grateful, but unwilling.

Three years ago, when I was in her arms, I was still an ignorant teenager. Now, I know what dedication is, and I am about to leave the warm harbor to fight against the wind and waves. What I have is the courage to overcome everything. Here, I spent the most beautiful three years of my life; Here, I see my youthful ebullition; Here, I got the most beautiful wealth in my life

I know it's time to leave. I will say goodbye to her in a man's way - with a smile on my mouth and tears on my chest. In the smell of her body, I can smell her. At this time, I began to laugh at my ignorance: when I first came here, I was not satisfied with it. I once predicted like a philosopher, "This is just a small station in the journey of life. Three years later, I will leave. No matter what I did here, what she gave me will disappear with my departure, and she will never integrate into my life". I know, I was wrong. No matter how strong the defense is, it is vulnerable to "love". In three years, she has taken care of me in her own way. I can hardly feel her meticulous love, but it has already been integrated into my blood.

We can't feel her greatness in it. The surging East China Sea gave her a sky like mind; The towering Mount Tai has given her earthlike will, and the leisurely Qilu culture has given her cultural heritage that others cannot look up to -- this is the real her. We should not, nor can we, despise her. As Mr. Yu Qiuyu said, "This feeling is like treating our mother. We found that our mother has many shortcomings, such as low cultural level and poor manners. But suddenly one day, we met an old mother of the same age as her mother, who has become weak in action and spirit. At this time, I realized that my mother was so great. "

Time goes by in a hurry. It takes away my youth, but makes my beautiful memories more precious. In the illusion of time, I can only see the footprints of her growth in three years. Under the footprints, there is her love that is hard to write.

I am about to leave, and I will embark on another journey with the wealth I have gained from here. The road is long and I will search up and down.

I am about to leave, reluctant to give up. However, all the feasts are over. I can only say with deep feeling: "Goodbye, my alma mater..."