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Heaven has endowed me with talents for eventual use
2022-10-29 00:43:28

Leo Tolstoy once said: "The purpose of life is not to achieve perfection, but to get closer and closer to perfection." In the voluminous book of life, people have power and are closer to the perfection of life.

One writer said: "People should read three books: one is' book with words', one is' book without words', and one is' book of mind '." From this, although people are independent individuals, they are not isolated. People should get the experience of life from the outside world and fill their own life. In my opinion, life should have outward observation, learning and inward self-examination, and draw strength from it, read the book of life, and improve your own life.

The three great books may represent knowledge, experience and heart, which shows the importance of the spiritual world in the construction of life. As Borges said, "Heaven should be like a library." A book is a brick and a tile of the spiritual world, which forms a solid outer wall. Experience is a unique life experience that individuals obtain from society, nature and even the whole world. It is the basis for forming the world outlook, outlook on life and values, and also the infrastructure inside the outer wall of the spiritual world. The "book of mind" warns people to reflect on their own mind. Just as Lin Qingxuan put forward the Zen saying of "self reflection", only when people learn to talk with themselves can the spiritual world be decorated with exquisite decoration.

In contrast, at present, people are busy with the wealth and fame of the material world. How can they settle down to read and taste the book of life? Taking the simple subway phenomenon as an example, when people in Europe and the United States will consciously read books on the subway, the teenagers on the Chinese subway use precious fragments of time to forward jokes and browse star gossip. Noisy is not only the narrow carriage, but also the spiritual world of people.

Just ask, when a person is unwilling to sit down and read the simplest "book with words", let alone "book without words" and "book of mind"? Emerson once said: If you want to know a person, you should ask him what book he is reading. " When it is extended to the large scope of life, people should look at the book of life he reveals. As Jiang Xun did, he praised the "runaway culture", and pursued people who looked outward and introspection and constantly sought to talk to themselves. His life was just like the "beauty of a flower" he admired.

Reading the three great books of life is not to abandon the pursuit of the external material world and indulge in the construction of the spiritual world. As the philosopher said, "The spiritual world is built on the foundation of the material world." Reading the three great books of life is a "comfort zone" where people can have spirit, which is the most valuable experience and memory in everyone's life. The life of human being has got a new interpretation in the reading and filling of the book of life.

Then why not dive down and read the "book with words", think about the "book without words" and look at the "book of mind" in the dead of night? Read the book of life, walk the road of life, and find a perfect place.