After exam _ end of midterm exam composition 250 words
Middle aged grey hair
2022-11-03 00:10:38

When I walked out of the school, I saw different expressions on everyone's face. Those who did well in the exam were skipping, while those who did not did well in the exam were silent. Is this the case with every exam! It's happening again today.

Before the exam, my parents gently told me that you don't care about scores, just pay attention! After the exam, my parents said to me in an atmosphere, how can I get this score? I still rely on you for these scores. I'm just a fool! Every time you take an exam, you will do this. Aren't you tired? Yes, I know that you love me, why don't I love you often? Since we love each other, why must we hurt each other? Scores don't decide anything, and they don't necessarily represent anything. Let's not use them to hurt our feelings, OK?

I love you, but you should not use your achievements as a counterweight against me. I can't afford it!