Writing Methods for the 2021 Senior High School Entrance Examination
Wandering Heart
2022-11-03 01:39:32

Propositional composition is the highest "appearance rate" of composition in the examination room, no matter in the college entrance examination, high school entrance examination or junior high school entrance examination, it is the same. This article talks about junior high school Chinese proposition composition. On the whole, the composition of the senior high school entrance examination has its own rules of design and expression. Most of the topics are close to students' life; Large and wide questions are much more than small and narrow questions, which is convenient for candidates to choose materials freely; Narrative topics are much more than expository and argumentative topics; Propositional writing is still in the mainstream in terms of the number of uses. To understand these propositional rules, what rules should be followed in the actual examination?

1. In terms of material selection, we should "select the small from the large, and see the big from the small".

First of all, let's look at the following composition for the high school entrance exam: Cohesion, Beginning, Youth Style, etc. The common feature is that it just seems to draw a frame of material selection and conception, and we need to use the content we are most familiar with to concretize it. For such questions, we should select the small from the large and make them specific:

First, narrow the broad questions. The so-called broad topic is a topic that can contain many themes and materials from the perspective of content. Because of its width, it seems that many materials can be used to write a composition, so we must select the right materials and condense the content of the composition to one point to narrow it so that it can be written smoothly.

Second, make the big questions smaller. The so-called big question is actually a wide question. In terms of meaning, some topics are relatively straightforward and pursue certain meaning. For example, Curiosity literally requires you to show some meaning in certain points of the text. For such questions, you can reduce them by adding restrictions, such as who is curious and what is curious. The key to seeing big from small is to select a point, that is, to select a point that can allow you to describe and discuss well, and then write down from this point.

2. Conception, to do or one point extension, or multi-point presentation.

One point stretching or multi point presentation is the general strategy of composition design for the senior high school entrance examination. One point extension means that only one content is well written, detailed and complete in an article, while multi point presentation means that several more contents are written in an article to organically combine them. For example, the idea direction of the composition topic "Youth Style" of the senior high school entrance examination: use a combination of multiple examples to express "youth" or "style", which is a multi-point presentation. "Beginning" can write the beginning and end of a story, which is a point stretching. "Cohesion" may talk about a point of view, or recall several things. In the above example, if these two modes are used as the basis for change, the beginning and end are designed well, and different expressions are arranged well, the framework of the test proposition composition can be set completely and normatively.

3. In terms of expression, we should pay attention to the stylistic characteristics and express the personality characteristics.

To pay attention to stylistic characteristics is to fully and accurately express the stylistic characteristics, rather than writing the "feeling after reading" into "narration after reading". The expression of personality is to show the examinee's skills and skills in using language and words. That is, we should carefully choose words and make sentences, carefully arrange and plan articles, try to show our actual level from the aspects of tone, structure and theme, and strive to be innovative and strange in the ordinary. This needs to be constantly honed and accumulated in the usual study to be practical.

4. In the examination of topics, we should "look forward and backward, and never miss a word".

As for the topic, it should be understood and studied repeatedly from beginning to end, and no one should be ignored. The content to be read includes: whether there are words indicating the subject, key language signs, subtitles, requirements, restrictions, implicit information, etc. In writing, we should firmly grasp the "information" obtained from the examination of the topic, and closely follow the topic and requirements at every step.