A Complete Composition of Junior Three in the Face of Failure
The sunset is beautiful
2022-11-01 02:44:26
Senior High School Entrance Examination

In one's life, one has to experience many things. Among them, there are many failures. In the face of failure, different people will have different attitudes. When some people hear that they have failed in doing something, they immediately become depressed and abandon themselves all day long; Other people are different. In the face of failure, they always actively look for the reasons for failure and start again. Because they believe: "Failure is the mother of success." Roman Roland also said: "We should turn grief into strength." Indeed, when we face failure, we must not be depressed, we must learn to smile in the face of failure. Don't regard failure as a great event and hate it, because hating your enemy will affect your judgment. We should take failure lightly. Only in this way can we defeat it. Winning or losing is a matter of daily routine

For example, Lincoln, the former president of the United States, is a very typical example. When he was young, he worked as a businessman and campaigner for office. He worked hard for nearly 20 times, all of which ended in failure. But he finally became one of the greatest presidents in American history. In contrast to Lincoln, it was General Xue Yue of the Kuomintang army. General Xue has the title of "South China Tiger" in the national army and is one of the capable cadres under Chairman Jiang. He devises strategies and skillfully repels Japanese attacks many times. When General Xue was deified by the media, he was defeated by Japan because of his pride. Since then, the South China Tiger has never recovered and has never commanded a decent battle.

Three apples changed the world. The first is that the apples in the Garden of Eden seduced Eve, symbolizing the beginning of human wisdom; Second, the apple that hit Newton inspired the discovery of gravity; The third is that Jobs' "Apple" has changed the world. When Jobs worked hard to start his own business, when his subordinates launched a 'coup' to drive him out of the company and made such a big fall, he just smiled blankly and continued to start his own business. Later, his company saw his role and let him see that he was in charge of the company.

No matter how long the journey of life is, we will experience many failures, big or small. Some failures even exceed our psychological endurance. However, we should not be discouraged and admit defeat to failure. That would be tantamount to abandoning ourselves. We should move forward bravely and smile when we fall

We must remember; The victorious and defeated soldiers have unexpected family affairs. Bao Shi is a man who bears humiliation. Jiangdong disciples are talented and handsome, and it is unknown that they will come back; Life is like a cup of tea. However, you have to face failure with a smile for a while. Don't complain that life gives you too much hardship, and don't complain that learning gives you too many twists and turns. If the sea loses the rolling of huge waves, it will lose its vigor; if the desert loses the wild dance of flying sand, it will lose its splendor. If we only want two or one lines of life to be smooth, life will lose its charm of existence.