Love is the most beautiful composition in Grade Three
2022-10-25 07:58:59
Junior three

Love is the most beautiful composition in Grade Three

In study, work and life, everyone has written a composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is the most beautiful composition of the third day of junior high, which is collected by my editor for you. Welcome to learn from it and refer to it. I hope it can help you.

Love is everywhere. The world is the world of love. It is because love always stays in the world for a long time that our world is colorful.

I remember once I went out to play with my neighbor's elder sister Liu Yu. As we were walking, we suddenly saw a dog hit by a car. It was moaning in pain on the ground. We felt it was so pathetic, so we went to have a look. After looking at it, Liu Yu said to me in a tearful voice, "Jia Jia, what should I do? It was badly hurt." I said, "Take it to the animal hospital." As he said, Liu Yu took off one of his clothes and wrapped it up, He handed it to me and said, "You take it first, and I'll go to get the money. I hate the dog's disgusting appearance, but when I look at the big sister's crying appearance, my heart softened and I had to take it over. As soon as I put it in my hand, Liu Yu ran back quickly.

Just arrived at the hospital, Liu Yu said to me breathlessly, "How is it?" I looked at Liu Yu in surprise: "You had to ride for ten minutes, but you didn't expect to come so soon. The dog is checking." I said stupidly. Just after saying that, the doctor came out with the dog in his arms and said, "It's all right. It's just a broken bone. It will be all right after a few days of rest." Liu Yu then relaxed and said, "It's all right!" So he picked up the dog and went home with me.

After a few days of self-restraint, the dog's injury has healed. It turned out that its hair was pure white. I looked at it in surprise and said, "How beautiful!" Liu Yujie said excitedly, "Isn't I not beautiful?" I quickly shook my head and said, "No, no, you are also beautiful." Liu Yujie said, "That's right." After that, we laughed.

Sister Liu is really kind and caring.

I believe that love is always in the world. It's just whether you find it and communicate with it.