Composition on diligence in the third day of junior high school
Morning rain and dew
2022-10-21 03:31:12
Junior three

Diligence is not a strange word for us. However, in our daily study and life, who can really be diligent and make unremitting efforts to achieve their goals? The following is the topic of diligence in the third day of junior high, which is organized by Xiao Bian for everyone. I hope it can help you!

There are countless people extolling diligence at all times and in all over the world. Han Yu, a litterateur, once said, "Diligence is hard work, but lack of fun; action is thought, but destruction is done with it." Hua Luogeng, a mathematician, once said, "Diligence is good training, and every effort is a talent." Edison, a scientist, once said, "Genius is one percent talent plus ninety-nine percent perspiration."...... It can be seen from this that diligence is the only way to success.

People who have made great achievements at all times and in all countries are diligent. In the Western Han Dynasty, there was a man named Kuang Hengde. His family was as poor as a church mouse. In the daytime, he lived by cutting firewood and grass for the rich. He didn't even have money to buy oil lamps. When he came home at night, the room was dark. He wanted to study very much, but he had money to buy lamp oil? Suddenly, he thought that his neighbor would go to bed late at night every day. He had an idea. He gently dug a small hole in the corner of the wall with a knife, and a ray of light shot into the room. He was very happy. He hurriedly held the book and read it with interest in the light. Since then, he cut firewood and grass for the rich man in the daytime, and read until late at night. Every time, he forgot his tiredness in the day and his tiredness at night, and devoted himself to studying the scriptures. Kung fu pays off. This young man who "cut through the wall and stole light" finally became a famous economist in the Western Han Dynasty with his diligence and efforts. I believe that as long as we are a conscientious person and study hard, we will succeed.

However, even if a person has a smart mind, it is difficult to succeed without studying hard. Fang Zhongyong of the Northern Song Dynasty was able to write poems when he was less than five years old. Zhongyong's father, known as the "child prodigy", took him to write poems for the rich all day long. Yes, he earned some money instead of letting him study. By the time Zhong Yong was twelve or three years old, his poems would not be as good as before; 18、 At the age of nine, he was no different from ordinary people and became an ordinary and ordinary person. There are many examples around me. For example, my sister can recite "Three hundred Tang poems" when she was five or six years old. My grandfather praised my sister as a "supernatural power". When guests came, he would praise my sister. But when she grew up, my sister did not focus on her study at all, and only scored more than 300 points in the college entrance examination. It was a pity, So it's hard to achieve without hard work.

We must study hard. Only in this way can we succeed and become an accomplished person.

Everyone wants to be smart and grow up, but smart people are not what you want to be. They must work hard. If you want to learn a foreign language well, how can you learn it well? You have to read in the morning, recite at night and study hard. How do you want to be a famous athlete? You have to stick to physical exercise and work hard. How can you become a scientist? You should pay more attention to the secretary and broaden your horizon... In short, no matter what you want to do, it is impossible to achieve it without diligence. Mao Yisheng, a famous bridge expert in ancient China, is a typical example.

In his childhood, Mao Yisheng consciously stood by the river bank every morning and recited ancient poems and essays. He turned a blind eye to the sailing and fishing songs around him, totally immersed in the ocean of knowledge. Over the years, Mao Yisheng has memorized many ancient poems and refined his own. One day, his grandfather copied ancient Chinese, and Mao Yisheng memorized it. When his grandfather put down his pen, he could recite the "Kyoto Ode" that his grandfather copied without missing a word. Grandpa said happily, "Good, good, practice makes perfect!"

Another time, Mao Yisheng saw an article that wrote the approximate value of pi to 100 decimal places, so he memorized the length of the string one by one: 14, 15, 92, 65, 35, 89, 79, 32... Although it was difficult to remember, Mao Yisheng worked hard and finally memorized it.

Students, isn't it because of his diligence that Mao Yisheng became a famous bridge expert in China when he grew up? Isn't it also because of his diligence that he is so smart?

From this, I thought: People's IQ is the same, but some people are more diligent, so they can be outstanding. If a person is not diligent, the most intelligent brain will become dull.

Students, modern society is full of competition. Only by working hard, studying hard and being smarter can we keep pace with the times.

Hua Luogeng, a famous mathematician in China, said, "Intelligence comes from diligence, and genius comes from accumulation." Diligence is a word that is familiar to us students who spend all day crawling around in books. But when we calm down and think about it, how many people can have a taste of it? How many people work hard to do everything well and study hard?

Since ancient times, those who are diligent have achieved much. Literary experts say that diligence is a key to open the door of literature. The success of Lu Xun, a great litterateur, is that he spent other people's coffee time writing; Scientists say that hard work can make people successful. Tong Dizhou, a famous biologist in China, successfully completed the frog egg membrane peeling operation with his hard work; The artist said that diligence is the cornerstone to realize the ideal. Wang Xizhi, a famous calligrapher in ancient China, has been practicing calligraphy diligently for decades, which has enabled his calligraphy art to reach the summit of excellence... Isn't it the essence of diligence that scientists give up their leisure time, stick to work and study, and achieve success?

Some students think: "Winners have talent." So Edison once said: "99% sweat+1% talent=success." If you don't have 99% sweat, what's the use of 1% talent? Da. Finch learned painting when he was young, and his tutor asked him to draw eggs. After drawing countless eggs, he reached the peak of art. However, who can withstand the efforts behind this fame? Without this diligence, will he become a world-class artist? can't! Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, which caused a sensation in the world, but he could not even make a bench when he was young; Hawking, the author of "A Brief History of Time", was deformed and could not pronounce clearly. He could write a word only after half a day with trembling hands; Helen; Keller, the author of "If You Give Me Three Days of Light", a famous writer and speaker, is deaf, dumb and blind... There are countless examples. People like them can say that they don't even have 1% talent, but they are only more than 100% diligent. These vivid examples show that diligence is good training and hard work is good training?

Han Yu once said that industry is diligent but lacking in fun, and acting out of thought is destroyed by following. Most of us who have achieved excellent results are examples of diligent study. Imagine that if you linger in the virtual online games all day long and forget to leave, then will success favor you? If you indulge in temporary achievements and relax the strict requirements for your own study, then failure is not far away from you.

There is no end to learning. Only by hard work and perseverance can we make achievements in our study and life. Please firmly believe that diligence is the mother of success!

In the long history, many people with brilliant achievements have emerged. Most of them are not born winners. After all, they all have a shining trait - diligence. It can be said that diligence is the key to success.

Wang Xizhi, a famous calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, loved calligraphy when he was young, so he kept practicing every day. After practice, he washed his pen in a pond near his home. Day after day, year after year, the originally clear pond was dyed into ink. This is what happened in Mochi. It was Wang Xizhi's diligence that made him successful.

Leonardo da Vinci of Italy had a strong interest in painting since he was young. In the process of learning painting, he painted a small egg with different angles and different lights for three years! It is precisely because of three years of hard work that he has developed solid basic skills and good observation ability, which has laid the foundation for him to become a successful painter in the Italian Renaissance. Without these three years of hard work, he may not be able to achieve such great achievements.

Shakespeare in England was a handyman who looked after horses in the theatre, but this could not stop his keen interest in drama and diligent pursuit. Whenever he had time, Shakespeare would secretly learn from the crack of the door to perform on the stage, so that one day he could write excellent plays and become famous in the world. Hard work pays off. Thanks to his diligence, Shakespeare changed his circumstances and became a famous playwright.

It can be seen that a person's success can not be separated from diligence. If success is a fruitful tree, then diligence is the rain and dew that moistens the fruit tree. If success is a bird that conquers the sky, then diligence must be the plump wings of the bird. To sum up, diligence is a key to success. With the shining key of diligence, you can open the door to success!

Where does success come from? Someone told me that success comes from diligence, which I think is quite right. Because there are three sentences 1. Genius comes from diligence 2. Genius comes from accumulation, and cleverness comes from diligence. 3. If you work hard all your life, you will become a genius.

Diligence is actually a kind of motivation from the heart. Without hard work, it is impossible to achieve good results and become a genius.

Some people don't really understand what hard work is like. For example, in learning, they always want to take shortcuts and hope to have some secrets or cheat to help them. They boast and talk, but they can't settle down to read some books. They always dream of success, sit and wait for tomorrow, hoping that one day a piece of pie will fall from the sky. How can this be possible? You can't drive a car without diligence, which is the most obvious truth. As long as you try your best, no matter what your overall result is. You are all winners. Because you have defeated yourself.

Where does success come from? Someone told me that success comes from persistence. I think that is also very true. Because there is a popular saying: "Persistence is victory."

It is not difficult for a person to persist for a while, but it is rare to persist for a long time. I unconsciously thought of my own experience. That was one of the things that held the school sports meeting last year. It made me realize that if you want to succeed, you must persist until the end. When I first started doing something, I imagined that I could do it in a leap. It would be better if there were results at the beginning. But I know it's impossible. In the 800 meter race, when I ran to the 200 meter race, I wanted to stop. I hoped that I had reached the end. Isn't that "a fool talking about dreams"? Suddenly, the voice of the cheering squad beside me became louder and louder. At this time, it seemed that there was an infinite force on my body, so I had to run forward quickly and finally reached the key point. And I won, but I only won the third place. But I was very happy, and my mood was like a spark. My classmates embraced me one by one. Because I stuck to the end. Running is hard, learning is hard, but this hard work, this persistence, is to rely on their own efforts to succeed. Of course, we should be happy for our efforts. Because our efforts are valuable. This also makes it clear that "if you want to succeed, you must work hard."

Do you really want to succeed? Then please show your fighting spirit and courage, do everything with diligence and perseverance, and success will surely greet you at the end.