Using excuses as a topic Senior 3 composition
From the beginning
2022-11-01 02:07:49
Grade 3
topic of conversation

As the saying goes: "Failure is the mother of success", failure will only come to those who think they will fail, because they are trying to find reasons before the results.

I saw such a clip in a TV series that it was from a military academy. If the officer asks, there are only four answers - "Report to the officer, yes!" "Report to the officer, no." "Report to the officer, there is no reason." "Report to the officer, don't know." Apart from these, no answer can be used as an answer. You can only choose a standard answer from the four answers. Once the officer asked a new student, "Do you think your shoes are clean like this?" If so, we would certainly defend ourselves, and all the excuses could not be used as an answer. The freshman replied, "Report to the officer, no," the officer asks why again? He can only answer "Report to the officer, no reason. "In short, you can't find reasons. No matter you are responsible for your own mistakes, you should learn to tolerate unfairness at any time. So, don't make excuses for your own failures. This is the fatal point of success.

The person who stands out in competition with others is certainly successful, but if he only passively accepts the secular standards of success, it will only lead him to lose his self direction and to failure. People always put the responsibility for failure on their own fate, and find reasons for bad luck and rough fate to shirk the responsibility, so as to win sympathy from others.

There are too many losers in the world. They always complain about their bad luck and blame themselves. They devalue themselves. They all think that their ability is insufficient. They think that they will fail in the competition. They think that they can't grasp the beauty of life, so they can't extricate themselves from the bull's horns. They find a lot of bad excuses, so they can't find a new road to success. People unknowingly look for reasons for their failure to be scapegoats, so that they fall into a hypocritical environment. Good luck will bring some help to successful people. If the failed people rely on luck for all the reasons for their failure, they will always fail. It is really a dangerous thing to think that he has worked hard, but the fate is against him and will not let him succeed, and will always find an excuse to explain his failure. If you don't look for the cause of failure in yourself and blame everything on luck, then failure can be forgiven!

Those losers do not have strong self-confidence. Originally, they clearly had a factor of success, but they were lost alive. Save yourself. Don't find reasons for your failure. It will harm your life. Remember that God only cares for those who dare to face the reality.